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Nov 13, 2017

HIAS & JFS Partners File Suit to Stop Trump Administration’s Refugee Restrictions

Nov 13, 2017

HIAS & JFS Partners File Suit to Stop Trump Administration’s Refugee Restrictions “Remembering our past, we know this is the time we must unequivocally stand with vulnerable refugees,” said Rabbi Will Berkovitz, CEO of JFS Seattle.

Nov 8, 2017

Two Former Refugees Won Elections Last Night

Nov 8, 2017

Two Former Refugees Won Elections Last Night Their winning campaigns represent the immense contributions of refugees who are welcomed to this country after fleeing violence and persecution.

Nov 7, 2017

What Ending TPS Could Mean for More Than 300,000 People

Nov 7, 2017

What Ending TPS Could Mean for More Than 300,000 People In addition to Nicaragua and Honduras, 261,220 TPS recipients from eight other countries have their designation up for renewal in the next two calendar years.

Nov 2, 2017

Former Immigration Service Director: Trump’s Refugee Policy is Baseless

Nov 2, 2017

Former Immigration Service Director: Trump’s Refugee Policy is Baseless "Welcoming those facing persecution is woven into the fabric of who we are as Americans."

Nov 1, 2017

HIAS Greece Wins Release of Three Detained Syrians on Lesvos

Nov 1, 2017

HIAS Greece Wins Release of Three Detained Syrians on Lesvos “This decision reinforces the fundamental rights of asylum seekers to challenge their detention by Greek authorities,” said Vassilis Kerasiotis, country director for HIAS Greece.

Oct 31, 2017

The End of Temporary Protected Status?

Oct 31, 2017

The End of Temporary Protected Status? The Trump administration recently hinted that it is planning to phase out Temporary Protected Status, potentially affecting 330,000 individuals who have lived in the U.S. for years.

Oct 31, 2017

HIAS Joins National Jewish Letter Advocating for Passage of DREAM Act

Oct 31, 2017

HIAS Joins National Jewish Letter Advocating for Passage of DREAM Act The Trump administration recently hinted that it is planning to phase out Temporary Protected Status, potentially affecting 330,000 individuals who have lived in the U.S. for years.

Oct 31, 2017

HIAS Letter Advocating for Passage of a Clean DREAM Act

Oct 31, 2017

HIAS Letter Advocating for Passage of a Clean DREAM Act The Trump administration recently hinted that it is planning to phase out Temporary Protected Status, potentially affecting 330,000 individuals who have lived in the U.S. for years.

Oct 27, 2017

LISTEN: HIAS Education Director on The Newish Jewish Podcast

Oct 27, 2017

LISTEN: HIAS Education Director on The Newish Jewish Podcast Rabbi Rachel Grant Mayer, HIAS’ director of education, joined host Jesse Cerrotti on the third episode of his podcast, The Newish Jewish.

Oct 26, 2017

HIAS Statement to the House Judiciary Committee Hearing on “Oversight of the United States Refugee Admissions Program”

Oct 26, 2017

HIAS Statement to the House Judiciary Committee Hearing on “Oversight of the United States Refugee Admissions Program” Rabbi Rachel Grant Mayer, HIAS’ director of education, joined host Jesse Cerrotti on the third episode of his podcast, The Newish Jewish.

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