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Oct 26, 2017

Why This Refugee Ban is Just as Bad as the First Two

Oct 26, 2017

Why This Refugee Ban is Just as Bad as the First Two While the new “enhanced vetting procedures” announced on October 24 might appear on the surface to be more benign than the first two executive orders, they will also prevent thousands of already-vetted refugees from finding safety here in the near future, or at all.

Oct 20, 2017

The U.S. Must Help Protect the Rohingya Fleeing Myanmar

Oct 20, 2017

The U.S. Must Help Protect the Rohingya Fleeing Myanmar After Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda—after the Holocaust—how is it possible that we are again witnessing ethnic cleansing?

Oct 19, 2017

SLIDESHOW: Advocates Rally at the #NoMuslimBanEver March

Oct 19, 2017

SLIDESHOW: Advocates Rally at the #NoMuslimBanEver March By the morning of Wednesday, October 18, two federal judges had already blocked the Trump administration’s latest travel restrictions from going into effect. But that didn’t stop the nearly 1,000 advocates and activists from showing up to voice their opposition to the repeated attempts to ban refugees and travelers from Muslim-majority countries.

Oct 16, 2017

HIAS Returns to Court to Challenge Muslim Ban 3.0

Oct 16, 2017

HIAS Returns to Court to Challenge Muslim Ban 3.0 ACLU attorney Omar Jadwat argued that the new proclamation is the “same core policy” as the March 6 executive order barring travelers from Muslim-majority countries.

Oct 11, 2017

Why One California Lawyer Returned to Greece to Help Refugees

Oct 11, 2017

Why One California Lawyer Returned to Greece to Help Refugees “I had never met a Syrian, Iraqi or Afghan person before,” said Paula Kasler, a northern California-based lawyer.

Oct 10, 2017

Rabbis Build Sukkah Outside Trump Tower to Promote Welcome

Oct 10, 2017

Rabbis Build Sukkah Outside Trump Tower to Promote Welcome The symbolic shelter was intended to send a timely and distinctly Jewish message in response to a slew of anti-immigrant policies proposed over the past several months.

Sep 28, 2017

Refugee Ceiling, Muslim Ban 3.0 and the Supreme Court

Sep 28, 2017

Refugee Ceiling, Muslim Ban 3.0 and the Supreme Court It’s been a busy few days for those fighting to keep America a welcoming country. Here's what you need to know and how you can take action.

Sep 20, 2017

OP-ED: President Trump’s Dangerous Falsehoods on Refugees at the United Nations

Sep 20, 2017

OP-ED: President Trump’s Dangerous Falsehoods on Refugees at the United Nations “The notion that America would somehow be doing a greater service to refugees by resettling symptomatic of how this White House views refugees: as threats, not assets.”

Sep 15, 2017

SLIDESHOW: In Front of U.S. Capitol, Advocates Call for a Sweet New Year for Refugees

Sep 15, 2017

SLIDESHOW: In Front of U.S. Capitol,  Advocates Call for a Sweet New Year for Refugees More than 50 young professionals from across the Washington D.C. area gathered in front of the U.S. Capitol.

Sep 14, 2017

LISTEN: Rabbi Jennie Rosenn on the Global Torah Podcast

Sep 14, 2017

LISTEN: Rabbi Jennie Rosenn on the Global Torah Podcast Global Torah, a joint project of OLAM and the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies, explores Jewish approaches to international development and global service.

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