Topic: Ukraine

Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, one-third of Ukrainians have been forcibly displaced from their homes, with more than 7 million across border countries and millions internally displaced. HIAS opened its office in Ukraine in the early stages of the conflict and with local partners provides mental health support services and legal aid, and also distributes cash, food assistance, and hygiene kits. HIAS continues to work closely with Right to Protection (R2P), an independent Ukrainian NGO that HIAS helped found, providing humanitarian aid.

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104 results

Sep 17, 2024

Proposed Law to Target LGBTQ+ Hate Crimes in Ukraine

Sep 17, 2024

Proposed Law to Target LGBTQ+ Hate Crimes in Ukraine Hate crimes against LGBTQ+ people in Ukraine are rising in the context of the war. A new law that would punish these crimes seeks to change this.

Sep 10, 2024

Refugees Supporting Refugees: Mykola, Romania

Sep 10, 2024

Refugees Supporting Refugees: Mykola, Romania When Koltun packed his bags and fled to Romania, he was uncertain about his future. Now, he works for HIAS Romania and supports other refugees.

Jun 20, 2024

UNHCR: Number of Displaced Worldwide Exceeds 120 Million

Jun 20, 2024

UNHCR: Number of Displaced Worldwide Exceeds 120 Million Ahead of World Refugee Day, the United Nations’ refugee agency announced the greatest number of displaced people ever recorded — 120 million — a staggering figure that has doubled over the last decade.

Jun 6, 2024

My Story: Finding New Life — and a New Career — in Romania

Jun 6, 2024

My Story: Finding New Life — and a New Career — in Romania HIAS helped Anna, a refugee from Ukraine, get new job skills and find employment in Romania.

Apr 26, 2024

The Time Ukrainian Refugees Celebrated Passover — in a Church

Apr 26, 2024

Shabbat dinner in Barcelona Two months after full-scale war brought many Ukrainians to Spain, the onset of Passover forced a woman determined to help them get creative.

Mar 28, 2024

Delegation Calls for More Support for Ukrainian Refugees

Mar 28, 2024

Women Leaders Seek Help with Ukrainian Refugees Women leaders from across Europe traveled to the United States to lobby for more support for local organizations serving Ukrainian refugees.

Mar 12, 2024

Women Leaders Respond to Humanitarian Crisis in Ukraine

Mar 12, 2024

Women Leaders Respond to Humanitarian Crisis in Ukraine HIAS is sponsoring seven women at the forefront of the response to war in Ukraine to speak at the United Nations about the war's impact on women and girls.

Mar 8, 2024

HIAS, WRC, Local Organizations Helping Ukrainian Refugees Say Response Must Keep Focus on Women and Girls

Mar 8, 2024

HIAS, WRC, Local Organizations Helping Ukrainian Refugees Say Response Must Keep Focus on Women and Girls Seven women on the front lines of the Ukraine response will join HIAS and the Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC) in New York and Washington to bring their first-hand accounts to United Nations officials and other stakeholders about the war’s ongoing disproportionate impact on women and girls.  

Mar 6, 2024

A Fresh Start for Refugee Women in Poland

Mar 6, 2024

Woman smiling and helping woman with paperwork across a desk Dobry Start, a HIAS partner, provides women with legal aid, mental health support, and gender-based violence prevention services, giving them the opportunity for a fresh beginning.

Feb 21, 2024

Berlin Exhibition Shows Ukrainian Refugees Documenting New Lives

Feb 21, 2024

Berlin Exhibition Shows Ukrainian Refugees Documenting New Lives Through Our Lens, a photo exhibition in Berlin, reveals the perspective of Ukrainian refugee women who have settled in the city.

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