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Sep 3, 2015

Legal Fellows Fight Eritrean Grandfather’s Detention

Sep 3, 2015

Legal Fellows Fight Eritrean Grandfather’s Detention Gebre* thought that fleeing the chaos in Eritrea would keep his family safe. That hope was shattered in July of 2012, when a Molotov cocktail was thrown into the Jerusalem apartment Gebre's daughter (seven months pregnant at the time) and son-in-law share. The two were badly injured and extremely traumatized. The attack was just one in a string of xenophobic attacks against African migrants in Israel.

Sep 3, 2015

Op-Ed: Migrants Aren’t Widgets

Sep 3, 2015

Op-Ed: Migrants Aren’t Widgets Gebre* thought that fleeing the chaos in Eritrea would keep his family safe. That hope was shattered in July of 2012, when a Molotov cocktail was thrown into the Jerusalem apartment Gebre's daughter (seven months pregnant at the time) and son-in-law share. The two were badly injured and extremely traumatized. The attack was just one in a string of xenophobic attacks against African migrants in Israel.

Sep 2, 2015

Op-Ed: For Refugees, Crisis Never Far Away

Sep 2, 2015

Op-Ed: For Refugees, Crisis Never Far Away Gebre* thought that fleeing the chaos in Eritrea would keep his family safe. That hope was shattered in July of 2012, when a Molotov cocktail was thrown into the Jerusalem apartment Gebre's daughter (seven months pregnant at the time) and son-in-law share. The two were badly injured and extremely traumatized. The attack was just one in a string of xenophobic attacks against African migrants in Israel.

Aug 31, 2015

HIAS Interns Advocate for Refugees on Capitol Hill

Aug 31, 2015

HIAS Interns Advocate for Refugees on Capitol Hill In honor of World Refugee Day, HIAS’ Washington, D.C. interns volunteered to escort refugees to meetings with senators and representatives on Capitol Hill to discuss legislation that protects refugees. It was an incredible experience, they report.

Aug 28, 2015

J. Weekly: Troubled Road Ahead for Israel’s African Migrants

Aug 28, 2015

J. Weekly: Troubled Road Ahead for Israel’s African Migrants In honor of World Refugee Day, HIAS’ Washington, D.C. interns volunteered to escort refugees to meetings with senators and representatives on Capitol Hill to discuss legislation that protects refugees. It was an incredible experience, they report.

Aug 27, 2015

Government Must Change Child Detention Policies, Orders Judge

Aug 27, 2015

Government Must Change Child Detention Policies, Orders Judge In honor of World Refugee Day, HIAS’ Washington, D.C. interns volunteered to escort refugees to meetings with senators and representatives on Capitol Hill to discuss legislation that protects refugees. It was an incredible experience, they report.

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