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Jul 29, 2015

Ukraine Displacement Crisis Worsens as Local Attitudes Harden

Jul 29, 2015

Ukraine Displacement Crisis Worsens as Local Attitudes Harden More than 2 million Ukrainians have been displaced since March 2014. The actual number remains unknown and is likely to be higher, however, as people are in no rush to register as IDPs. New policies are not helping matters, either.

Jul 27, 2015

Family Detention ‘Deplorable’ Says Judge

Jul 27, 2015

Family Detention ‘Deplorable’ Says Judge More than 2 million Ukrainians have been displaced since March 2014. The actual number remains unknown and is likely to be higher, however, as people are in no rush to register as IDPs. New policies are not helping matters, either.

Jul 24, 2015

Guest Blog: What Visiting a Nepali Refugee Camp Taught Me

Jul 24, 2015

Guest Blog: What Visiting a Nepali Refugee Camp Taught Me There are over 3,000 Bhutanese refugees in the Cleveland, Ohio area alone. Many of them eventually became my close friends, but while I had heard their stories I couldn’t quite picture the refugee camp where they had spent so much time waiting and hoping. So I decided to go to Nepal.

Jul 20, 2015

High Speed Prosecutions Put Asylum Seekers at Risk

Jul 20, 2015

High Speed Prosecutions Put Asylum Seekers at Risk High Speed Prosecutions Put Asylum Seekers at Risk By Britanny Vanderhoof, Policy Counsel Jul 20, 2015 It is not a crime to seek protection from persecution. The United States has a duty to protect, not prosecute, those who come here seeking asylum. Yet according to a recent report by the Department of Homeland Security, the […]

Jul 17, 2015

Innovative Program Helps Refugees Restart Careers

Jul 17, 2015

Innovative Program Helps Refugees Restart Careers High Speed Prosecutions Put Asylum Seekers at Risk By Britanny Vanderhoof, Policy Counsel Jul 20, 2015 It is not a crime to seek protection from persecution. The United States has a duty to protect, not prosecute, those who come here seeking asylum. Yet according to a recent report by the Department of Homeland Security, the […]

Jul 16, 2015

Seeking Asylum Isn’t Illegal – So Why Were These Kids in Jail?

Jul 16, 2015

Seeking Asylum Isn’t Illegal – So Why Were These Kids in Jail? High Speed Prosecutions Put Asylum Seekers at Risk By Britanny Vanderhoof, Policy Counsel Jul 20, 2015 It is not a crime to seek protection from persecution. The United States has a duty to protect, not prosecute, those who come here seeking asylum. Yet according to a recent report by the Department of Homeland Security, the […]

Jul 15, 2015

Op-Ed: Greece’s Other Crisis

Jul 15, 2015

Op-Ed: Greece’s Other Crisis Despite almost daily headlines detailing the dangers of crossing the Mediterranean by sea, refugees are still braving the waves in record numbers. Greece, a part of the European Union, is supposed to have an asylum system “harmonized” with the rest of Europe. In practice, though, Greece is about as well integrated with the rest of Europe on the asylum front as it is economically.

Jul 14, 2015

VICE: Why Are Republicans So Scared of Syrian Refugees?

Jul 14, 2015

VICE: Why Are Republicans So Scared of Syrian Refugees? Despite almost daily headlines detailing the dangers of crossing the Mediterranean by sea, refugees are still braving the waves in record numbers. Greece, a part of the European Union, is supposed to have an asylum system “harmonized” with the rest of Europe. In practice, though, Greece is about as well integrated with the rest of Europe on the asylum front as it is economically.

Jul 13, 2015

Update from the Field: Flooding in Venezuela

Jul 13, 2015

Update from the Field: Flooding in Venezuela Update from the Field: Flooding in Venezuela By Rachel Nusbaum, Jul 13, 2015 HIAS offices in Guasdualito, Venezuela were impacted by heavy flooding in the area, July 2015. (HIAS) More than two weeks of heavy rain this month has caused the worst flooding in 20 years in Apure State, Venezuela, stranding many without clean […]

Jul 13, 2015

Central American Asylum Seekers Are Still Fleeing Persecution – They’re Heading South

Jul 13, 2015

Central American Asylum Seekers Are Still Fleeing Persecution – They’re Heading South Fox News Latino featured an op-ed by HIAS Vice President for Policy and Advocacy Melanie Nezer on the growing numbers of Central American asylum seekers heading to Panama. "Despite a long history as a country of refuge, the asylum system in Panama is under-resourced and cannot keep up with the volume of asylum claims," Nezer writes.

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