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Nov 8, 2013

Oct 25, 2013

Providing Detained Asylum Seekers Access to Representation and Justice

Oct 25, 2013

Providing Detained Asylum Seekers Access to Representation and Justice Providing Detained Asylum Seekers Access to Representation and Justice By HIAS Oct 25, 2013 Imagine barely escaping a targeted, brutal attack on your family by armed militants or experiencing persecution triggered by your sexual orientation, making your way to the welcoming shores of the United States—and being immediately detained and imprisoned without any access to […]

Oct 21, 2013

HIAS Helps Garner International Interfaith Support for Refugees

Oct 21, 2013

HIAS Helps Garner International Interfaith Support for Refugees Faith and protection—these are two values that embody HIAS’ work around the world, and these also were the two central themes of the United Nations Refugee Agency’s (UNHCR) Dialogue on Protection Challenges last year, which inspired the drafting and circulation of the interfaith document Welcoming the Stranger: Affirmations for Faith Leaders.

Oct 15, 2013

Pew Poll on Jewish Americans Creates Space to Support Refugees

Oct 15, 2013

Pew Poll on Jewish Americans Creates Space to Support Refugees Faith and protection—these are two values that embody HIAS’ work around the world, and these also were the two central themes of the United Nations Refugee Agency’s (UNHCR) Dialogue on Protection Challenges last year, which inspired the drafting and circulation of the interfaith document Welcoming the Stranger: Affirmations for Faith Leaders.

Oct 14, 2013

Government Shutdown Leaves Refugees Stranded

Oct 14, 2013

Government Shutdown Leaves Refugees Stranded Government Shutdown Leaves Refugees Stranded By HIAS Oct 14, 2013 As the government shutdown continues, refugee arrivals to the U.S. continue to be delayed, leaving thousands already scheduled for departure in limbo around the globe. Larry Bartlett, Director of Refugee Admissions at the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM), announced late last […]

Oct 9, 2013

Despite Government Shutdown, HIAS Advocacy Mission a Success

Oct 9, 2013

Despite Government Shutdown, HIAS Advocacy Mission a Success First-time mission participant Roman Zelichenko remarked, “I expect it was different than most advocacy missions but despite the inability to speak to government officials, I found the guest speakers and participants really valuable to talk and listen to.”

Sep 17, 2013

Reflecting on Plight of Refugees this High Holiday Season

Sep 17, 2013

Reflecting on Plight of Refugees this High Holiday Season As the global number of refugees continues to grow, Jewish communities from Berkeley to Budapest hold those unable to return home in their prayers this High Holiday season. Rabbi Ferenc Raj, Rabbi Emeritus from Congregation Beth El in Berkeley and founder of Bet Orim Reform Jewish Congregation in Budapest, brought the refugee theme to his congregation this Yom Kippur—along with his very personal experience.

Sep 17, 2013

HIAS Launches Pilot Project to Create Welcome for Refugees

Sep 17, 2013

HIAS Launches Pilot Project to Create Welcome for Refugees As the global number of refugees continues to grow, Jewish communities from Berkeley to Budapest hold those unable to return home in their prayers this High Holiday season. Rabbi Ferenc Raj, Rabbi Emeritus from Congregation Beth El in Berkeley and founder of Bet Orim Reform Jewish Congregation in Budapest, brought the refugee theme to his congregation this Yom Kippur—along with his very personal experience.

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