Latest News

Apr 21, 2023

Sudan Crisis Casts Spotlight on Neighboring Chad

Apr 21, 2023

Sudan Crisis Casts Spotlight on Neighboring Chad An influx of refugees would add further strain to one of the world's most beleaguered — and forgotten — countries.

Apr 18, 2023

WATCH: Healing and Hope — Ending Gender-Based Violence

Apr 18, 2023

A HIAS staff member speaks with a woman and girl about HIAS' programs to address gender-based violence. | Ending Gender-Based Violence with Healing and Hope | HIAS | End Gender Based Violence Against Refugees | HIAS HIAS is working to end gender-based violence (GBV) among forcibly displaced people by supporting survivors, reducing risks, and transforming societal norms.

Apr 10, 2023

In Time for Passover, Ukrainians Find Jewish Community in U.S.

Apr 10, 2023

The Levit/Kushnarov family attend seder. Sara Safdie, bottom right, explains the ten plagues while everyone removes a drop of wine from their cups in commemoration of each plague. | In Time for Passover, Ukrainians Find Jewish Community in U.S. | HIAS Last April, Eduard Levit and his family had just arrived in Warsaw, Poland, having fled their hometown of Kharkiv, Ukraine for their safety. One year later, they are celebrating their first Passover in their new home of Portland, Oregon, after being resettled by the ShalomPortland Welcome Circle.

Apr 5, 2023

Art Installation Addresses Gender-Based Violence in Aruba

Apr 5, 2023

Art Installation Addresses Gender-Based Violence in Aruba An exhibition of Keren Yehezkeli Goldstein's She's Gone also helped bring about an expanded role for HIAS with the government of Aruba.

Mar 30, 2023

Tragedy Illustrates Brutal Treatment of Mexico’s Migrants

Mar 30, 2023

An altar is seen outside the immigration detention center where 39 migrants died during a fire in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua state, Three days after the deadly fire, HIAS officials say the disaster illustrates "inhumane" border policy.

Mar 29, 2023

London Community Gathers to Celebrate HIAS+JCORE Launch

Mar 29, 2023

London Community Gathers to Celebrate HIAS+JCORE Launch Leaders of the Jewish community and guests gathered to celebrate the coming together of HIAS and JCORE (the Jewish Council for Racial Equality) to form a new entity which will lead the Jewish response on issues of asylum, refugees, and racial equality in the United Kingdom.

Mar 28, 2023

Deadly Fire Puts Spotlight on U.S.-Mexico Border Concerns

Mar 28, 2023

Woman cries next to an ambulance in which her husband, who was injured in a fire, is being transported following a fire at the immigration station in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico | Deadly Fire in Mexican Migrant Center At least 39 people died and dozens were injured Monday night in a fire at the National Migration Institute in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, an area where HIAS is active in assisting asylum seekers.

Mar 27, 2023

Over 5,000 Asylum Ban Comments Submitted by Outraged HIAS Supporters

Mar 27, 2023

HIAS staffers attend a Washington rally calling on the Biden administration to withdraw proposed asylum restrictions on March 16, 2023. | Asylum Ban Comments From HIAS Supporters at Over 5,000 - As the public comment period draws to a close today on the Biden administration’s proposed asylum ban, HIAS has seen an unprecedented response from members of our community. Our supporters have submitted more than 5,000 comments to the federal register calling on the administration to withdraw these proposals, which would leave asylum seekers in vulnerable and potentially deadly situations at the border and straying away from his initial campaign promises.  

Mar 23, 2023

Rabbi David Mason on Serving Britain’s Refugees

Mar 23, 2023

Rabbi David Mason In a Q&A, the executive director of the newly-formed HIAS + JCORE, discussed the importance of community and society.

Mar 23, 2023

Private Sponsorship Milestone Reached With 100th Welcome Circle

Mar 23, 2023

The number of HIAS Welcome Circles in the United States has just reached 100. A welcome circle from Congregation B'nai Jeshurun in Short Hills, NJ welcomes a Ukrainian newcomer family at the airport. Welcome Circles are part of a new approach in resettlement. The number of HIAS Welcome Circles in the United States has just reached 100. And there are more to come.  HIAS Welcome Circles are part of the private sponsorship model that allows for groups of individuals to independently raise funds and directly provide essential assistance to refugees.

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