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Apr 10, 2015

U.S. Jews highlight plight of African asylum seekers in Israel

Apr 10, 2015

U.S. Jews highlight plight of African asylum seekers in Israel This week, the Israeli embassy in Washington will be opening some unusual mail: letters written not on paper, but on matza. Haaretz profiles the #BreadofFreedom campaign, organized by HIAS and T'ruah to raise awareness about the ongoing plight of asylum seekers in Israel.

Apr 8, 2015

#BreadofFreedom for African Asylum Seekers in Israel

Apr 8, 2015

#BreadofFreedom for African Asylum Seekers in Israel Join HIAS and T'ruah in sending a piece of matzah to the Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC to let them know that American Jews want Israel to do the right thing for these survivors of violence and terror.

Apr 7, 2015

The Power of Advocacy

Apr 7, 2015

The Power of Advocacy Interning with HIAS this Spring has been eye opening in many ways, but nothing has struck me more than the contrast between the extreme struggles refugees face around the world and the limited response to their plight here at home. In early March, I joined the HIAS Board of Directors for an advocacy training on Capitol Hill followed by meetings with several key Members of Congress.

Apr 3, 2015

Israel Asylum Seekers Wonder: Next Year in Jerusalem?

Apr 3, 2015

Israel Asylum Seekers Wonder: Next Year in Jerusalem? Interning with HIAS this Spring has been eye opening in many ways, but nothing has struck me more than the contrast between the extreme struggles refugees face around the world and the limited response to their plight here at home. In early March, I joined the HIAS Board of Directors for an advocacy training on Capitol Hill followed by meetings with several key Members of Congress.

Mar 31, 2015

Celebrating Liberty and Taking Action for Passover

Mar 31, 2015

Celebrating Liberty and Taking Action for Passover With over 16 million refugees worldwide—51 million if we include internally displaced persons—and international crises escalating, Passover this year should be a time to remember our history and recommit to protecting those who flee persecution today.

Mar 26, 2015

Safehouses Offer Protection to Refugees in Dire Jeopardy

Mar 26, 2015

Safehouses Offer Protection to Refugees in Dire Jeopardy Last month, while visiting Nairobi, Kenya to train HIAS local staff on resettling vulnerable refugees, I met “Sylvia”, a refugee living in a HIAS safehouse on the outskirts of the city. For refugees like Sylvia, who have exceptionally serious protection concerns, safehouses provide critical short-term security while they await resettlement—often their only option for long-term safety and freedom from persecution.

Mar 20, 2015

A Passover Reflection

Mar 20, 2015

A Passover Reflection Last month, while visiting Nairobi, Kenya to train HIAS local staff on resettling vulnerable refugees, I met “Sylvia”, a refugee living in a HIAS safehouse on the outskirts of the city. For refugees like Sylvia, who have exceptionally serious protection concerns, safehouses provide critical short-term security while they await resettlement—often their only option for long-term safety and freedom from persecution.

Feb 6, 2015

A Reprieve for Eritrean Asylum Seeker in Israel

Feb 6, 2015

A Reprieve for Eritrean Asylum Seeker in Israel For "Adam”, a 31-year-old asylum seeker in Israel who fled Eritrea after being incarcerated and tortured for leaving military service without permission, life has been filled with uncertainty almost as long as he can remember. HIAS' recently launched pro bono legal aid project helped him begin 2015 with a renewed sense of freedom.

Feb 3, 2015

A Crash Course on the Syrian Refugee Crisis

Feb 3, 2015

A Crash Course on the Syrian Refugee Crisis A twist of fate (and timing) led to me spending my first week as Policy Counsel for HIAS in Jordan as a member of a delegation from Refugee Council USA. The trip, which was intended as a chance to learn about resettlement for Syrian refugees, became my crash course in the realities of the Syrian refugee crisis.

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