Topic: Education

6 results

Sep 22, 2022

Why Advocacy Must Advance on Multiple Fronts

Why Advocacy Must Advance on Multiple Fronts This summer, HIAS’ grassroots advocacy sought to influence the upcoming U.S. refugee admissions goal and priorities for the 2023 fiscal year.

Jul 2, 2021

One Green Card, One Diploma, One Happy Graduate

One Green Card, One Diploma, One Happy Graduate Mikes Joseph needed HIAS' help to get his green card so he could graduate nursing school.

Oct 22, 2020

The Sidewalk School: An Education for Those “Without”

The Sidewalk School: An Education for Those “Without” At the Sidewalk School, the students are all asylum-seeking children living in or near an encampment in Matamoros, Mexico.

Apr 7, 2019

New HIAS Haggadah Ready for Your Seder Table

New HIAS Haggadah Ready for Your Seder Table The new refugee-themed full HIAS Hagaddah is ready for the Passover table.

May 16, 2018

WATCH: HIAS Education Director Interviewed on 112BK

WATCH: HIAS Education Director Interviewed on 112BK “There’s nothing more American than welcoming refugees—and nothing more Jewish.”

Mar 10, 2016

Award ‘Makes Studying Possible’ for Student Olim in Israel

Award ‘Makes Studying Possible’ for Student Olim in Israel Winners of the HIAS Israel Scholarship for Student Olim are Jews from all across the globe who have chosen to make their home in Israel. “Many of them come to Israel alone, leaving behind family in other countries. They don’t have the natural support network that most students have. What makes this award special is that while it helps them financially, it also gives them that feeling that we are their support. We become their network.”

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