Topic: Economic Inclusion

44 results

Apr 30, 2020

LISTEN: CFR Discussion on How COVID-19 is Affecting Refugees

Apr 30, 2020

LISTEN: CFR Discussion on How COVID-19 is Affecting Refugees The Council on Foreign Relations interviews HIAS' VP of International Programs Rachel Levitan.

Mar 10, 2020

‘Everything Is Different’: One Refugee’s Journey Out of Extreme Poverty

Mar 10, 2020

‘Everything Is Different’: One Refugee’s Journey Out of Extreme Poverty Ten years after fleeing his home in Colombia, José Miguel Palma has a degree, a career, and a thriving family.

Feb 6, 2020

Accenture Volunteers Help HIAS Clients On the Job Hunt

Feb 6, 2020

Accenture Volunteers Help HIAS Clients On the Job Hunt Accenture Volunteers Help HIAS Clients On the Job Hunt By Susan Din, Manager, Institutional Development and Partnerships; SJ Renfroe, Volunteer Program Associate Feb 06, 2020 Navigating a job search can be hard for anyone. For refugees still adapting to life in a new country, it’s one of the biggest challenges they face. With little knowledge […]

Feb 7, 2019

Refugee Women in Chad Bake Bread to Make a Living

Feb 7, 2019

Refugee Women in Chad Bake Bread to Make a Living Refugee women in Chad learned how to bake bread and with it support their families.

Jan 31, 2019

Job Fair Makes Things More Fair for Refugees in Panama

Jan 31, 2019

Job Fair Makes Things More Fair for Refugees in Panama In Panama, HIAS helped provide trainings and empowerment sessions to more than 80 refugees to help them find jobs.

Jan 23, 2019

A Different Kind of Graduation Helps People to Start Over

Jan 23, 2019

A Different Kind of Graduation Helps People to Start Over A family starts over in a new country-- with HIAS' help.

Sep 27, 2018

How to “Revive” Electronics for Refugees

Sep 27, 2018

How to “Revive” Electronics for Refugees Next time you think about throwing out an old computer, think about reviving it instead.

Jun 4, 2018

Refugees in Chad are Making the Desert Bloom

Jun 4, 2018

Refugees in Chad are Making the Desert Bloom “I am able to cover my family’s basic needs and share my produce with my close ones, just like the old times in Sudan.”

Apr 11, 2018

In Ecuador, Starting Over Through Baking

Apr 11, 2018

In Ecuador, Starting Over Through Baking "My biggest dream is to own a bakery where I can give jobs to people who need it," Patricia says.

Jan 22, 2018

HIAS in Ecuador Recognized for “Graduating” Refugees Out of Extreme Poverty

Jan 22, 2018

HIAS in Ecuador Recognized for “Graduating” Refugees Out of Extreme Poverty Long praised for who they were serving, HIAS in Ecuador is now being recognized for how they are serving.

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