Chief Strategy & Measurement Officer
Muluemebet Hunegnaw serves as HIAS’ Vice President for Strategy and Measurement. In this role, she provides leadership in setting the organization-wide strategic framework and alignment across the broader HIAS organization. She works with the Executive Leadership Team to institute a culture of measurement to track organizational performance as well as promote evidence-based programs and policies to help forcibly displaced people.
Mulu has previously served in various senior leadership roles, including as Save the Children USA’s Africa Regional Director, as Country Director in multiple countries, and as a global advisor for planning and impact evaluation. She has also served as the mission’s monitoring and evaluation advisor at the United States Agency for International Development, and as a senior Energy expert with the Ethiopian Energy Authority.
She holds an MA in Development Economics from the University of East Anglia, United Kingdom, and a BA in Economics from Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia. She is a Yale World Fellow.