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Nov 12, 2015

Opinion: Resettling Refugees and Maintaining Security Are Not Mutually Exclusive

Nov 12, 2015

Opinion: Resettling Refugees and Maintaining Security Are Not Mutually Exclusive The Refugees Admissions Program "was originally intended to serve as a rescue mechanism, to bring refugees out of danger to a place where they can live in freedom with dignity," HIAS CEO Mark Hetfield writes in The Hill's Congress Blog. "Today, however, it generally takes over 18 months for a refugee to be resettled to the U.S. once he or she is accepted for processing."

Nov 9, 2015

Jewish Community in Ukraine Bounces Back, Pays It Forward

Nov 9, 2015

Jewish Community in Ukraine Bounces Back, Pays It Forward In 1989, as a HIAS caseworker, I met many Soviet Jews who had fled Dnipropetrovsk. I never thought I would see the day when that city, the third largest in Ukraine, would again have a thriving Jewish community. But that is exactly what I found.

Nov 6, 2015

Minnesota Nice: Focus on Welcoming Refugees at Statewide Meeting

Nov 6, 2015

Minnesota Nice: Focus on Welcoming Refugees at Statewide Meeting Launched in July 2013, The Linking Communities Project: Creating Welcome for Refugees is a laboratory for developing innovative ideas to help educate communities about the many benefits of refugee resettlement. This year, TLC chose to work in Minnesota based on the state’s rich history of welcoming refugees.

Nov 2, 2015

Kindertransport Association Gathers One Last Time

Nov 2, 2015

Kindertransport Association Gathers One Last Time “I was honored to talk to this group. They know better than most the importance of the work that HIAS does now, having been refugees themselves,” Hetfield said. “They are our inspiration to make sure that refugees are protected, and that refugee families are protected.”

Oct 29, 2015

HIAS Provides Disaster Relief in Venezuela [Slideshow]

Oct 29, 2015

HIAS Provides Disaster Relief in Venezuela [Slideshow] “The mothers kept telling us how thankful they were," a HIAS staffer said. “They were really grateful that their children were able to receive high quality care, and that they were not discriminated against for being refugees.”

Oct 28, 2015

UN High Commissioner: Syrian Refugee Crisis Must Be “Managed”

Oct 28, 2015

UN High Commissioner: Syrian Refugee Crisis Must Be “Managed” António Guterres, the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, told the audience at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. that this is a manageable problem for Europe, but “there is one condition for a problem to be manageable -- it must be managed.”

Oct 28, 2015

HIAS Op-Ed: Syrian Refugees Are Not Jewish, But We Are

Oct 28, 2015

HIAS Op-Ed: Syrian Refugees Are Not Jewish, But We Are António Guterres, the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, told the audience at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. that this is a manageable problem for Europe, but “there is one condition for a problem to be manageable -- it must be managed.”

Oct 22, 2015

U.S. Recognizes Equality of All Life Partners for Refugee Family Reunification

Oct 22, 2015

U.S. Recognizes Equality of All Life Partners for Refugee Family Reunification In a little-noticed shift, the Obama administration has taken steps to ensure that the long-term relationships of couples who were not able to be legally married in their home countries or while in flight are nevertheless recognized by the U.S. family reunification program. “Refugees with same-sex partners will finally have the opportunity to reunite with them and to make their families whole again,” said HIAS CEO Mark Hetfield.

Oct 21, 2015

Video: Winnie Gacheru on HIAS’ Work in Kenya

Oct 21, 2015

Video: Winnie Gacheru on HIAS’ Work in Kenya Winnie Gacheru, director of psychosocial programs at HIAS Kenya, describes working with some of the world's most vulnerable refugees in this short video.

Oct 20, 2015

Refugees on NPR: Syrian Family Rebuilds In America’s Heartland

Oct 20, 2015

Refugees on NPR: Syrian Family Rebuilds In America’s Heartland Winnie Gacheru, director of psychosocial programs at HIAS Kenya, describes working with some of the world's most vulnerable refugees in this short video.

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