Topic: Rohingya

11 results

Mar 24, 2022

It Was a Genocide Against the Rohingya

It Was a Genocide Against the Rohingya The United States officially recognized that the Myanmarese military committed crimes against humanity and genocide against the Rohingya people in 2017.

Nov 19, 2021

Protecting Genocide Survivors through Refugee Resettlement

Protecting Genocide Survivors through Refugee Resettlement For Rohingya refugees displaced in Bangladeshi camps, conditions grow ever more dire as international aid dwindles, Rohingya social justice activist Yasmin Ullah reported during a webinar co-sponsored by HIAS and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum on November 16.

Sep 23, 2020

Path to Genocide: An Exhibit on the Rohingya Explained

Path to Genocide: An Exhibit on the Rohingya Explained A new exhibit tells stories of the Rohingya, and how they went from citizens to outsiders to victims of genocide.

Sep 18, 2020

When You Say ‘Never Again,’ Remember the Rohingya

When You Say ‘Never Again,’ Remember the Rohingya We invite the entire American-Jewish community to commit to acting in 5781 to support the Rohingya people.

Dec 3, 2018

Seeing Firsthand the Rohingya Refugee Crisis

Seeing Firsthand the Rohingya Refugee Crisis My first visit to Bangladesh to learn firsthand about the Rohingya refugee crisis – and I wasn't sure what to expect.

Aug 28, 2018

The Rohingya: One Year Later

The Rohingya: One Year Later August 25th marked a somber anniversary. A year ago, the military and armed militias in Myanmar began a coordinated campaign targeting the Rohingya in Rakhine State. More than 700,000 fled for their lives to neighboring Bangladesh. A new U,N. report calls for six military officials in Myanmar to be prosecuted on genocide charges.

Apr 16, 2018

Keeping Up the Fight to Protect the Rohingya Fleeing Myanmar

Keeping Up the Fight to Protect the Rohingya Fleeing Myanmar The United States has historically led in resettling Rohingya refugees, and now is not the time to stop.

Oct 20, 2017

The U.S. Must Help Protect the Rohingya Fleeing Myanmar

The U.S. Must Help Protect the Rohingya Fleeing Myanmar After Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda—after the Holocaust—how is it possible that we are again witnessing ethnic cleansing?

Aug 12, 2016

Fire Strikes Refugee Housing in Buffalo: How You Can Help

Fire Strikes Refugee Housing in Buffalo: How You Can Help On the night of July 21, 2016, a house in Buffalo, New York caught fire. Next door: the apartments of 14 newly arrived refugees from around the globe.

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