Topic: HIAS Partners

141 results

Jul 5, 2018

Rabbis Visit U.S./Mexico Border, Respond to Crisis

Rabbis Visit U.S./Mexico Border, Respond to Crisis The day before Americans celebrated their independence, HIAS helped lead a delegation of nearly 40 rabbis and community leaders to the U.S.-Mexico border, where people are seeking freedom.

Jun 29, 2018

HIAS Heads to Geneva to Talk International Refugee Protections

HIAS Heads to Geneva to Talk International Refugee Protections "Let’s put more resources in education, in employment, in giving opportunities to people so that they don’t unnecessarily need to move.”

Jun 27, 2018

Activists Protest Supreme Court Muslim Ban Decision

Activists Protest Supreme Court Muslim Ban Decision In the streets, in places of worship, in the courts, and on Capitol Hill, HIAS and our partners are fighting to uphold America’s legacy of welcome.

Jun 24, 2018

The Jewish Community is Stepping Up for Refugees—Here’s How

The Jewish Community is Stepping Up for Refugees—Here’s How “Torah commands us 36 times to welcome the stranger. The repetition is interesting—maybe it’s because it’s not the most important commandment, but the easiest to forget.”

Jun 22, 2018

For World Refugee Day, HIAS and Partners Spread Welcome

For World Refugee Day, HIAS and Partners Spread Welcome “Our shared immigrant and refugee experiences, and teachings to ‘welcoming the stranger,’ has helped to build this large and engaged constituency."

Jun 20, 2018

WATCH: Protecting Refugees in Greece, An Interfaith Response

WATCH: Protecting Refugees in Greece, An Interfaith Response A new video tells the story of a unique partnership between HIAS and Islamic Relief USA which is helping to ensure that the most vulnerable refugees in Greece receive access to legal protection.

Jun 13, 2018

Jewish Organizations Oppose Family Separation

Jewish Organizations Oppose Family Separation In a letter to AG Sessions and Secretary Nielsen, the group wrote: "Our Jewish faith demands of us concern for the stranger in our midst."

May 22, 2018

In Ohio, New Initiatives Aim to Empower Refugees

In Ohio, New Initiatives Aim to Empower Refugees “We see all the barriers that people come with, and we try to bring solutions to those barriers and guide people along the way.”

May 18, 2018

Resettled Syrian Refugee Graduates Top in Class

Resettled Syrian Refugee Graduates Top in Class “The strength of the American community comes from diversity,” he says.

May 8, 2018

New Resources Help Integrate Gender Into Humanitarian Responses

New Resources Help Integrate Gender Into Humanitarian Responses These new tools provide practical guidance to frontline humanitarian workers on how to integrate gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls throughout their programs.

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