6 results

Sep 12, 2024

Deep Dive: Migration and Global Elections in 2024

Sep 12, 2024

Deep Dive: Migration and Global Elections in 2024 Immigration and asylum have been significant issues in elections across the world — not just the United States.

Jul 13, 2023

HIAS Receives Avicenna Peace Award for Supporting Afghans

Jul 13, 2023

HIAS Receives Avicenna Peace Award for Supporting Afghans HIAS+JCORE Executive Director David Mason was among the recipients of the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies’ 2022 Avicenna International Award for Intercultural Cooperation for Peace.

Mar 29, 2023

London Community Gathers to Celebrate HIAS+JCORE Launch

Mar 29, 2023

London Community Gathers to Celebrate HIAS+JCORE Launch Leaders of the Jewish community and guests gathered to celebrate the coming together of HIAS and JCORE (the Jewish Council for Racial Equality) to form a new entity which will lead the Jewish response on issues of asylum, refugees, and racial equality in the United Kingdom.

Mar 23, 2023

Rabbi David Mason on Serving Britain’s Refugees

Mar 23, 2023

Rabbi David Mason In a Q&A, the executive director of the newly-formed HIAS + JCORE, discussed the importance of community and society.

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