Topic: Asylum

239 results

Jul 6, 2020

Opinion: Asylum, Which Made the U.S. a Leader in Protecting Jews, Could Disappear

Opinion: Asylum, Which Made the U.S. a Leader in Protecting Jews, Could Disappear Sam Yebri, who was brought to the United States by HIAS, explains why Jews should fight on behalf of the asylum system.

Jul 1, 2020

HIAS Calls For Guardrailed Funding For U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

HIAS Calls For Guardrailed Funding For U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services HIAS Calls For Guardrailed Funding For U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Jul 01, 2020 SILVER SPRING, Md. — U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, or USCIS, plays a crucial role in administering refugee admissions, asylum, naturalization of new Americans, and other programs that are central to our identity as a nation of immigrants and refugees. HIAS […]

Jun 19, 2020

Debunking Myths About Refugees

Debunking Myths About Refugees Debunking Myths About Refugees Jun 19, 2020 Story by Kaz Weida originally published on June 18 by Rosetta Stone. Reproduced with permission. In honor of Refugee Week and World Refugee Day, we thought we’d reach out to two of our partners in the refugee community to learn more about the reality today’s refugees face. While the […]

Jun 5, 2020

Remembering the Lessons of the St. Louis

Remembering the Lessons of the St. Louis HIAS sees the anniversary of the St. Louis as a time to not only examine the past but see the unfortunate parallels in the present.

May 26, 2020

Continuing the Hard Legal Work in a Time of Limbo

Continuing the Hard Legal Work in a Time of Limbo The U.S.-Mexico border is effectively closed and the asylum system has ground to a halt, but there is still plenty of work to do on behalf of asylum seekers.

May 20, 2020

Statement on Extension of U.S. Border Closures

Statement on Extension of U.S. Border Closures Statement on Extension of U.S. Border Closures May 20, 2020 SILVER SPRING, Md. — Yesterday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced the continuation of the executive order that, under the guise of protecting the United States from the transmission of COVID-19, has essentially closed the U.S.-Mexico border to asylum seekers. According to […]

May 14, 2020

Briefing: Helping Refugees and Asylum Seekers in California Amidst COVID-19

Briefing: Helping Refugees and Asylum Seekers in California Amidst COVID-19 HIAS and its three California affiliates — JFCS-East Bay, JFS Silicon Valley, and JFS San Diego — discuss serving refugees and asylum seekers during the COVID-19 crisis.

May 11, 2020

U.S. Asylum System Grinds To a Halt During Pandemic

U.S. Asylum System Grinds To a Halt During Pandemic COVID-19 has pitched an already-backlogged asylum system into "a state of chaos."

May 5, 2020

A Global Perspective on the Modern Perils of Seeking Asylum

A Global Perspective on the Modern Perils of Seeking Asylum The international human rights system is fragile—HIAS will continue to represent, advocate, and litigate for something better and more rights-compliant.

May 5, 2020

Up Close and Personal at the U.S.-Mexico Border

Up Close and Personal at the U.S.-Mexico Border A volunteer who went on a HIAS delegation to the U.S.-Mexico border just before the pandemic recalls his work and the emotional impact of the trip.

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