Topic: Asylum

239 results

Jun 27, 2022

Recent Supreme Court Decisions Erode Migrants’ Rights

Recent Supreme Court Decisions Erode Migrants’ Rights As refugee advocates anxiously wait for the Supreme Court to determine the fate of the “Remain in Mexico” program, a spate of recent decisions have harmful implications for migrants, including those seeking asylum in the U.S.

Jun 3, 2022

Nicaraguan Asylum Seekers Keep Heading to Costa Rica

Nicaraguan Asylum Seekers Keep Heading to Costa Rica For several years the number of asylum applications in Costa Rica has increased dramatically.

May 31, 2022

CEO Mark Hetfield Reflects on Visit to U.S.-Mexico Border

CEO Mark Hetfield Reflects on Visit to U.S.-Mexico Border In a short video interview, HIAS CEO Mark Hetfield reflects on his recent visit to Mexico, how Title 42 affects the U.S. asylum system, and what HIAS is doing in Mexico to help asylum seekers.

May 18, 2022

Stranded in Mexico: The Human Cost of Title 42

Stranded in Mexico: The Human Cost of Title 42 Ana and James, asylum seekers from Mexico and Haiti, fled to the U.S.-Mexico border in search of safety. Forced to remain in the most dangerous areas of Mexico under Title 42, both found danger and violence instead.

Apr 28, 2022

Nuria’s Story: A Girl in Kenya Survives Abuse with HIAS’ Help

Nuria’s Story: A Girl in Kenya Survives Abuse with HIAS’ Help Nuria and her siblings were violently mistreated but they got a referral to a HIAS Kenya office and got the support they needed.

Apr 26, 2022

Demonstrators Outside Supreme Court Demand End to MPP

Demonstrators Outside Supreme Court Demand End to MPP At a rally outside the Supreme Court where oral arguments took place on whether the Biden administration can end the MPP policy, activists called for the termination of the cruel program.

Apr 8, 2022

After More Than Two Years, Title 42 Set to End May 23

After More Than Two Years, Title 42 Set to End May 23 After over two years of preventing asylum seekers from exercising their right to seek asylum at the U.S. border, Title 42, a World War II-era public health law invoked by the Trump administration ostensibly to prevent the spread of COVID-19, is finally set to end on May 23.

Apr 6, 2022

HIAS Finds Ways to Help in Honduras

HIAS Finds Ways to Help in Honduras HIAS might expand its Latin American presence to help internally displaced people in communities also suffering from unemployment and gang violence.

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