Topic: HIAS New York

HIAS New York provided resettlement services in the New York City area from 2015 until 2022, when Commonpoint Queens took over that aspect of our work as a HIAS resettlement partner. As HIAS’ historic headquarters, New York continues to be a vital part of HIAS’ work. HIAS’ New York office serves asylum seekers and other displaced people through our legal services and volunteer programs.

14 results

Aug 26, 2020

Volunteers Allow HIAS’ New York Clients to Weather the Pandemic

Volunteers Allow HIAS’ New York Clients to Weather the Pandemic HIAS volunteers help with everything refugees and refugee seekers need to live stable lives, from providing for basic needs to career mentorship and English tutoring.

Jun 9, 2020

When Refugees Need Help, HIAS Volunteers Step Up

When Refugees Need Help, HIAS Volunteers Step Up More than 1,700 volunteers help HIAS clients get the services they need to thrive in the United States.

Feb 6, 2020

Accenture Volunteers Help HIAS Clients On the Job Hunt

Accenture Volunteers Help HIAS Clients On the Job Hunt Accenture Volunteers Help HIAS Clients On the Job Hunt By Susan Din, Manager, Institutional Development and Partnerships; SJ Renfroe, Volunteer Program Associate Feb 06, 2020 Navigating a job search can be hard for anyone. For refugees still adapting to life in a new country, it’s one of the biggest challenges they face. With little knowledge […]

Nov 18, 2019

HIAS Hosts Awards Dinner

HIAS Hosts Awards Dinner On November 14, more than 300 guests gathered at Manhattan's Prince George Ballroom for the HIAS Awards, the organization's first major celebration dinner since 2001.

Mar 22, 2019

Volunteer Spotlight: Teaching English and So Much More

Volunteer Spotlight: Teaching English and So Much More Neal Smith, a HIAS volunteer, uses his English skills to support refugee clients.

Apr 27, 2018

Through Tech Course, Refugees Take Another Step Forward in New York

Through Tech Course, Refugees Take Another Step Forward in New York “This may be the first official document of great value many of you will have received in your new country,” she said, “but this is just your first step.”

Apr 9, 2018

Interfaith Volunteers Find Common Ground with Refugees in Westchester

Interfaith Volunteers Find Common Ground with Refugees in Westchester “This is the same story of my grandparents more than a hundred years ago. People came from somewhere, they had guts and grit, and some help, and a hundred years later here we are.”

Jul 3, 2017

Synagogue Volunteers Join Forces With U.S. Veterans to Help Refugee Family

Synagogue Volunteers Join Forces With U.S. Veterans to Help Refugee Family “As veterans, we aren't in the habit of waiting for someone else to get the job done. When we see someone who has put it all on the line for our country, we want to do everything we can to help them.”

Feb 13, 2017

New Yorkers Brave Sleet and Rain to Rally for Refugees

New Yorkers Brave Sleet and Rain to Rally for Refugees Equipped with protest signs, umbrellas and a tradition of welcoming the stranger, upwards of 1,000 rally goers stood for nearly two hours in Battery Park at the Southern tip of Manhattan Island.

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