Jan 18, 2022

HIAS Statement on Synagogue Attack in Colleyville, Texas

SILVER SPRING, Md. — We are grateful and relieved that all four people held hostage at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas are safe and home with their families. Our hearts are with them now, just as they were on Saturday as we held our breath and prayed together with the rest of the Jewish community.

We also know that we did not stand alone on Saturday. We are grateful for the many supportive messages, particularly from the Muslim community. We pledge to stand with all those who experience hate.

The attack in Colleyville was far too familiar, as were the feelings of fear and horror that we experienced during the attacks in Pittsburgh, Poway, El Paso, Charleston and too many other places here in the U.S. and across the world. Our collective communal response to this incident must be to build bridges between communities, strong enough to withstand the forces that seek to tear us down. We must let our values of welcome, respect, and dignity lead our steps and our actions.

Together, we can and must counter antisemitism and all forms of hate with solidarity, and through our actions, build a world that is safer and more compassionate.


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