As the war in Ukraine enters its second year, HIAS and other humanitarian organizations continue their work to respond to the immediate protection needs of women and girls. In May of 2022, HIAS released the report Waiting for the Sky to Close: The Unprecedented Crisis Facing Women and Girls Fleeing Ukraine with VOICE, a feminist organization dedicated to eradicating gender-based violence (GBV) and holding the humanitarian aid sector accountable to women and girls. As a follow-up, HIAS and VOICE have now released this Sexual and Reproductive Health and GBV Assessment Report. The organizations renew their call on the international community to invest attention and resources to ensure women and girls have access to safety, dignity, and rights. The assessment also recommends that NGOs must center and empower local actors — particularly women’s rights organizations (WROs) — in the humanitarian response and in longer term peace and recovery efforts in Ukraine.