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Jan 18, 2017

1,500+ Rabbis Urge U.S. to Keep Doors Open for Refugees

Jan 18, 2017

1,500+ Rabbis Urge U.S. to Keep Doors Open for Refugees More than 1,500 rabbis have signed a powerful letter to elected officials calling on the United States to keep its doors open to refugees.

Jan 18, 2017

The Hill: Graham, Cruz Proposal to Defund the U.N. is Misguided

Jan 18, 2017

The Hill: Graham, Cruz Proposal to Defund the U.N. is Misguided More than 1,500 rabbis have signed a powerful letter to elected officials calling on the United States to keep its doors open to refugees.

Jan 12, 2017

Refugees in Greece Need Legal Aid. Here’s What HIAS is Doing to Help.

Jan 12, 2017

Refugees in Greece Need Legal Aid. Here’s What HIAS is Doing to Help. On July 1, 2016, on the Greek island of Lesvos, HIAS launched its newest international office in order to provide assistance to refugees and asylum-seekers facing an unfamiliar and daunting legal bureaucracy. “For those who survive the harrowing journey, landing on Lesvos is only the beginning,” said Rachel Levitan. “HIAS Greece was established to meet the urgent need people have for legal assistance and guidance on the island.”

Jan 10, 2017

Refugee Youth Get College & Career Ready With Help From This Innovative Program

Jan 10, 2017

Refugee Youth Get College & Career Ready With Help From This Innovative Program For more than five years, JF&CS Pittsburgh has offered support specifically tailored to the needs of high school students. What started as a small summer program now reaches upwards of 60 high school juniors and seniors per year at two schools in the area.

Jan 4, 2017

New York Jewish Communities Get Resourceful for Refugees

Jan 4, 2017

New York Jewish Communities Get Resourceful for Refugees Last year saw the number of people worldwide forced from their homes by war and persecution balloon to over 65 million, including millions fleeing the horrific conflict in Syria. As the need for urgent refugee assistance grew, so did the Jewish community’s grassroots efforts to help welcome and protect the most vulnerable refugees.

Dec 29, 2016

Resolutions That Matter: How You Can Help Refugees in 2017

Dec 29, 2016

Resolutions That Matter: How You Can Help Refugees in 2017 If your New Year’s resolution is to do all you can to support and welcome refugees in 2017 (hey, us too!), here are some things you can do today.

Dec 27, 2016

Synagogues Gather to Learn How to Help Refugees

Dec 27, 2016

Synagogues Gather to Learn How to Help Refugees The social hall at Temple Micah in Washington, D.C. was humming with conversation. Roughly 100 people, representing more than 20 synagogues in the D.C. area between them, eagerly awaited information about how their congregations might take on the global refugee crisis in a very local way: partnering with a newly-arrived refugee family through the HIAS Welcome Campaign.

Dec 22, 2016

2016: Unprecedented Need, and an Unprecedented Response

Dec 22, 2016

2016: Unprecedented Need, and an Unprecedented Response This year tested us in ways we never imagined possible, but it also spurred us to reach new heights in our work protecting and welcoming refugees. Together, we made a difference in thousands of lives in 2016.

Dec 20, 2016

16 Days of Activism: Standing Up to Violence Against Women

Dec 20, 2016

16 Days of Activism: Standing Up to Violence Against Women Some bold men in Uganda opted to walk in women’s shoes for a day—literally. They joined a march in the streets of Kampala, boldly decked out in high heels, purses and women’s wraps in order to make a very public statement about the need to end violence against women. This was one of many events held around the world during the annual 16 Days of Activism Against Violence Against Women.

Dec 15, 2016

Thinking Globally, Interning Locally

Dec 15, 2016

Thinking Globally, Interning Locally This semester, like many college students, I sought an internship that enhanced what I was being taught in the classroom. For some, these internships have been spent filing papers, making copies and answering phones. Not for me.

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