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Feb 17, 2017

Welcome: An Idea Worth Spreading

Feb 17, 2017

Welcome: An Idea Worth Spreading “Often refugees are defined by what they have lost, which is a lot," HIAS VP Melanie Nezer said in a recent Tedx talk on the global refugee crisis. "Their homes, their jobs, their communities, their friends and, in many cases, family members. But they also have a lot of things. They have hope. They have education. They have skills. And they have a great desire to live in peace.”

Feb 15, 2017

Iraqi Refugee Advocates for Disability Rights in Texas

Feb 15, 2017

Iraqi Refugee Advocates for Disability Rights in Texas “After I lost my vision, there was nothing for me to do in Iraq. There, they don’t believe that a person with a disability is capable of doing anything,” Qusay said. “I can’t tolerate that. I can’t envision myself just sitting at home. My dreams are bigger than that.”

Feb 13, 2017

Across the U.S., a Day of Jewish Action for Refugees

Feb 13, 2017

Across the U.S., a Day of Jewish Action for Refugees Winter weather couldn’t dampen the enthusiasm and commitment of the many thousands of people who showed up for the National Day of Jewish Action for Refugees on Sunday, February 12.

Feb 13, 2017

New Yorkers Brave Sleet and Rain to Rally for Refugees

Feb 13, 2017

New Yorkers Brave Sleet and Rain to Rally for Refugees Equipped with protest signs, umbrellas and a tradition of welcoming the stranger, upwards of 1,000 rally goers stood for nearly two hours in Battery Park at the Southern tip of Manhattan Island.

Feb 7, 2017

HIAS v. Trump – Why We’re Suing

Feb 7, 2017

HIAS v. Trump – Why We’re Suing In more than 135 years serving refugees, HIAS has routinely represented asylum seekers in court against the U.S. government. Never before, however, has HIAS itself sued the U.S. government, let alone the President of the United States. Until today.

Feb 6, 2017

Genesis Prize Recipient Anish Kapoor Pledges Support for Refugees

Feb 6, 2017

Genesis Prize Recipient Anish Kapoor Pledges Support for Refugees Kapoor, a renowned British-Indian sculptor of Jewish descent, said he will dedicate his $1 million award to expanding the Jewish community’s engagement on the global refugee crisis.

Feb 6, 2017

Supporting in the Ninth: HIAS Files Amicus Brief in Challenge to Refugee Ban

Feb 6, 2017

Supporting in the Ninth: HIAS Files Amicus Brief in Challenge to Refugee Ban Late Sunday night, HIAS filed an amicus brief in support of the plaintiffs in the case of Washington v. Trump, currently before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. “The Executive Order has fractured many refugee families whose safety and desire for unification were already fragile,” notes the brief.

Feb 3, 2017

Rabbi Jennie Rosenn in Haaretz: Why American Jews Must Oppose Trump’s Ban

Feb 3, 2017

Rabbi Jennie Rosenn in Haaretz: Why American Jews Must Oppose Trump’s Ban HIAS VP of Community Engagement Rabbi Jennie Rosenn published an op-ed in Haaretz on Friday, February 3, calling on the Jewish community to stand up to President Trump’s refugee ban.

Feb 3, 2017

Soviet Jews Push Back on Trump’s Executive Order

Feb 3, 2017

Soviet Jews Push Back on Trump’s Executive Order “Refugee status is not merely a stamp on paper; it's a state of mind and heart which forces one to risk it all for better life. We feel affinity and kinship to those in the same plight.”

Feb 3, 2017

HIAS Helps Reunite Syrian Family Amid Refugee Ban

Feb 3, 2017

HIAS Helps Reunite Syrian Family Amid Refugee Ban After spending more than two years apart, a Syrian family was reunited today in dramatic fashion, with help from HIAS.

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