Topic: Video

61 results

Jun 25, 2019

WATCH: Asylum, An Essential Lifeline

WATCH: Asylum, An Essential Lifeline Asylum is in the news a lot these days. Borders closed, children forcibly separated from parents, people detained in cages. Yet, many of us still don’t know what asylum really means and how it works. Watch our new video to learn more.

Jun 14, 2019

WATCH: Honoring the Resilience of Refugees

WATCH: Honoring the Resilience of Refugees Every year on June 20, we recognize the struggles and strength of the millions of men, women and children refugees around the world. Driven from their homes by persecution, violence and fear, refugees face perilous journeys fraught with challenges as they seek safety and freedom.

Jun 7, 2019

WATCH: An Inspirational Song for Shavuot

WATCH: An Inspirational Song for Shavuot Watch an inspirational song about refugees by REVIVAL as the holiday of Shavuot approaches.

May 1, 2019

WATCH: A Yom HaShoah Message from Mark Hetfield

WATCH: A Yom HaShoah Message from Mark Hetfield HIAS President and CEO Mark J. Hetfield shares a message for Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), when we recall what happens to people who are not allowed to make the flight for safety and freedom, and reminds us of the imperative to welcome those who flee hatred.

Dec 23, 2018


VIDEO: We Are HIAS HIAS staff members explain why we do what we do.

Dec 2, 2018

WATCH: Speaking to the Kindertransport Association

WATCH: Speaking to the Kindertransport Association HIAS President and CEO Mark Hetfield addressed the Kindertransport Association and discussed the importance of remembering history and reminding the United States of its responsibility.

Sep 4, 2018

WATCH: Witnesses at the Border

WATCH: Witnesses at the Border Last month, 27 leaders from 17 national Jewish organizations, led by HIAS and the Anti-Defamation League, traveled to the U.S.-Mexico border to get a firsthand look at the crisis affecting families, asylum seekers, and others. This new video follows the group as they bear witness.

Jun 20, 2018

WATCH: Protecting Refugees in Greece, An Interfaith Response

WATCH: Protecting Refugees in Greece, An Interfaith Response A new video tells the story of a unique partnership between HIAS and Islamic Relief USA which is helping to ensure that the most vulnerable refugees in Greece receive access to legal protection.

May 16, 2018

WATCH: HIAS Education Director Interviewed on 112BK

WATCH: HIAS Education Director Interviewed on 112BK “There’s nothing more American than welcoming refugees—and nothing more Jewish.”

Jan 24, 2018

WATCH: A Year Later, Fighting to Help Refugees

WATCH: A Year Later, Fighting to Help Refugees To help tell the story of the first year of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program under the Trump Administration, HQ Trivia Host Scott Rogowsky lent his voice to a new HIAS video, A Year Later, the Fight Goes On.

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