Topic: Kenya

35 results

Jun 16, 2021

‘Am I Going to Make It Until Tomorrow?’: A Gay Refugee’s Escape from Persecution

Jun 16, 2021

‘Am I Going to Make It Until Tomorrow?’: A Gay Refugee’s Escape from Persecution Yusuf, a gay man from eastern Africa, endured years of isolation, abuse, and several close brushes with death because of his sexuality. But now, with the help of HIAS and its local resettlement partners, he's rebuilding his life in safety and dignity.

Jun 1, 2021

How HIAS Came to Work With LGBTQ Refugees

Jun 1, 2021

How HIAS Came to Work With LGBTQ Refugees While LGBTQ outreach is not a core part of HIAS’ work, it is vitally important and has had a profound impact on many hundreds of LGBTQ refugees' lives.

Sep 1, 2020

Thinking About Safety as Part of Mental Health Services in Kenya

Sep 1, 2020

Thinking About Safety as Part of Mental Health Services in Kenya HIAS Kenya is focused on getting basic necessities to clients to help them deal with mental health issues.

Aug 12, 2020

Cell Phones Become a Lifeline For Refugees Struggling With Mental Health

Aug 12, 2020

Cell Phones Become a Lifeline For Refugees Struggling With Mental Health As therapy sessions become phone calls and support groups become WhatsApp group texts, HIAS clients count on phones, chat apps, and even social media to stay in touch with counselors and peers.

Apr 1, 2020

Ensuring Refugees’ Basic Needs During Pandemic

Apr 1, 2020

Ensuring Refugees’ Basic Needs During Pandemic HIAS is assisting many people in crisis and adversely affected by COVID-19: they need to purchase basic needs and buy goods to help prevent the spread of the virus, and have access to food and shelter.

Jan 10, 2020

GBV Social Support Group Brings Healing for Refugees

Jan 10, 2020

GBV Social Support Group Brings Healing for Refugees A support group run by HIAS Kenya is helping lesbian, bisexual, and queer women who have experienced gender-based violence.

Dec 10, 2019

VIDEO: We Open Our Hearts for Them

Dec 10, 2019

VIDEO: We Open Our Hearts for Them As the global refugee crisis continues to affect millions, HIAS is expanding our response. Watch our new video.

Mar 27, 2019

With a Safe Space, Women Bond and Save

Mar 27, 2019

With a Safe Space, Women Bond and Save HIAS Kenya started a “safe space” where refugee women are learning about high self-esteem, financial management skills, peer networking, and raising of self-awareness of their rights.

Dec 14, 2018

HIAS Active in 16 Days Campaign to End Gender-Based Violence

Dec 14, 2018

HIAS Active in 16 Days Campaign to End Gender-Based Violence HIAS joins in the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, the international campaign to stop violence against women and girls.

Dec 20, 2016

16 Days of Activism: Standing Up to Violence Against Women

Dec 20, 2016

16 Days of Activism: Standing Up to Violence Against Women Some bold men in Uganda opted to walk in women’s shoes for a day—literally. They joined a march in the streets of Kampala, boldly decked out in high heels, purses and women’s wraps in order to make a very public statement about the need to end violence against women. This was one of many events held around the world during the annual 16 Days of Activism Against Violence Against Women.

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