Topic: Refugee Resettlement

Through our network of local resettlement partners, HIAS welcomes resettled refugees and helps them build their lives in communities across the United States.

278 results

May 18, 2023

To Unlock Solutions on Migration, Western Hemisphere Nations Must Prioritize Implementation of the Los Angeles Declaration

To Unlock Solutions on Migration, Western Hemisphere Nations Must Prioritize Implementation of the Los Angeles Declaration It is crucial that the U.S. and other countries across the Western Hemisphere prioritize implementation of the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection.

May 17, 2023

HIAS Launches Center for Refugee Policy

HIAS Launches Center for Refugee Policy HIAS, the global Jewish humanitarian organization that provides critical services to refugees around the world, today launched the HIAS Center for Refugee Policy.

May 11, 2023

As Title 42 Ends, HIAS Condemns New Restrictions on Right to Asylum

As Title 42 Ends, HIAS Condemns New Restrictions on Right to Asylum While the lifting of Title 42 should be cause for celebration, the Biden administration is replacing it with new unacceptable restrictions at the border — including a de facto asylum ban, and increased reliance on expedited removal. 

May 10, 2023

The End of Title 42: Five Key Takeaways

Immigrants seeking asylum in the United States wait in line as they are processed by U.S. Border Patrol agents in the early morning hours after crossing into Arizona from Mexico on May 10, 2023 in Yuma, Arizona. | The End of Title 42: Five Key Takeaways | HIAS In preparation the end of Title 42 enforcement on May 11, the Biden Administration has announced policies restricting asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border while committing to facilitate and expand resettlement for displaced people from the Western Hemisphere.

May 9, 2023

Historic Archive Reinforces Urgency of Serving Today’s Refugees

Flowers at the commemoration event for the 80th anniversary of the uprising of the Warsaw Ghetto during WWII. Robert Aronson, a member and immediate past chair of the HIAS board, reflects on a recent board visit to Poland and Moldova.

Apr 27, 2023

HIAS Welcomes Expanded Resettlement, Criticizes Administration Border Restrictions 

HIAS Welcomes Expanded Resettlement, Criticizes Administration Border Restrictions  In preparation for May 11, when the Biden Administration will finally end the Trump administration’s policy of expelling asylum seekers under the pretext of a public health measure known as Title 42, the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of State today announced what they described as “regional migration management measures.”

Apr 10, 2023

In Time for Passover, Ukrainians Find Jewish Community in U.S.

The Levit/Kushnarov family attend seder. Sara Safdie, bottom right, explains the ten plagues while everyone removes a drop of wine from their cups in commemoration of each plague. | In Time for Passover, Ukrainians Find Jewish Community in U.S. | HIAS Last April, Eduard Levit and his family had just arrived in Warsaw, Poland, having fled their hometown of Kharkiv, Ukraine for their safety. One year later, they are celebrating their first Passover in their new home of Portland, Oregon, after being resettled by the ShalomPortland Welcome Circle.

Mar 29, 2023

London Community Gathers to Celebrate HIAS+JCORE Launch

London Community Gathers to Celebrate HIAS+JCORE Launch Leaders of the Jewish community and guests gathered to celebrate the coming together of HIAS and JCORE (the Jewish Council for Racial Equality) to form a new entity which will lead the Jewish response on issues of asylum, refugees, and racial equality in the United Kingdom.

Mar 23, 2023

Private Sponsorship Milestone Reached With 100th Welcome Circle

The number of HIAS Welcome Circles in the United States has just reached 100. A welcome circle from Congregation B'nai Jeshurun in Short Hills, NJ welcomes a Ukrainian newcomer family at the airport. Welcome Circles are part of a new approach in resettlement. The number of HIAS Welcome Circles in the United States has just reached 100. And there are more to come.  HIAS Welcome Circles are part of the private sponsorship model that allows for groups of individuals to independently raise funds and directly provide essential assistance to refugees.

Mar 20, 2023

A Single Sewing Machine Threads Generations of Refugees

A Kenmore-3 sewing machine A sewing machine that once belonged to a family HIAS resettled in Venezuela in the 1950s is now, by coincidence, being used by present-day HIAS clients in the country.

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