Topic: Israel

71 results

Jan 15, 2018

HIAS and ADL Raise Grave Concerns Over Deportation of Asylum Seekers from Israel

Jan 15, 2018

HIAS and ADL Raise Grave Concerns Over Deportation of Asylum Seekers from Israel HIAS and ADL penned an open letter to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, urging him to refrain from deporting tens of thousands of African asylum seekers.

Jan 8, 2018

HIAS Calls for Protection of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Israel

Jan 8, 2018

HIAS Calls for Protection of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Israel HIAS Calls for Protection of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Israel Jan 08, 2018 SILVER SPRING, Md.—The Government of Israel recently announced its plans to imprison or potentially deport tens of thousands of Sudanese and Eritrean asylum seekers unless they leave voluntarily before April. The ultimatum follows a mounting campaign of escalation on the part […]

Dec 7, 2017

Israel’s Latest Measures Against African Asylum Seekers Face Renewed Opposition

Dec 7, 2017

Israel’s Latest Measures Against African Asylum Seekers Face Renewed Opposition “There has always been a campaign of social and political marginalization on the part of the Israeli government,” explained Sivan Carmel, country director for HIAS Israel, “but this is an escalation.”

Aug 28, 2017

HIAS Responds to Israel’s Supreme Court Ruling on African Asylum Seekers

Aug 28, 2017

HIAS Responds to Israel’s Supreme Court Ruling on African Asylum Seekers HIAS Responds to Israel’s Supreme Court Ruling on African Asylum Seekers Aug 28, 2017 SILVER SPRING, Md.—Today, Israel’s Supreme Court issued a ruling allowing the government to continue deporting African asylum seekers, while also limiting the detention of asylum seekers refusing “voluntary deportation” to a maximum of two months. In response, Mark Hetfield, President and […]

Jul 10, 2017

Strategic Litigation Brings Results for HIAS Israel, and Hope to Asylum Seekers

Jul 10, 2017

Strategic Litigation Brings Results for HIAS Israel, and Hope to Asylum Seekers HIAS Israel and its network of attorneys are working toward meaningful change in how the country treats the refugees within its borders, making asylum more accessible to those in need of protection.

Jul 25, 2016

Stories of Strength, Survival and Success: Asylum Seekers in Israel

Jul 25, 2016

Stories of Strength, Survival and Success: Asylum Seekers in Israel After escaping persecution in Eritrea, Asmait made her way to Israel, where she became a custodian in a neighborhood school. Despite her hard work, the students teased her ruthlessly. Their attitudes changed only after a teacher asked Asmait to share her story with them. “It felt strengthening,” explained Asmait. “I knew then that the reason people are not happy to see us is just because they do not know our story.”

Jun 23, 2016

Photos: See How Refugees Around the World Celebrate World Refugee Day

Jun 23, 2016

Photos: See How Refugees Around the World Celebrate World Refugee Day On June 20, 2016, World Refugee Day celebrations around the world honored the bravery and perseverance of the millions of men, women and children who are refugees today—and also provided an opportunity for refugees themselves to have a bit of fun.

Mar 10, 2016

Award ‘Makes Studying Possible’ for Student Olim in Israel

Mar 10, 2016

Award ‘Makes Studying Possible’ for Student Olim in Israel Winners of the HIAS Israel Scholarship for Student Olim are Jews from all across the globe who have chosen to make their home in Israel. “Many of them come to Israel alone, leaving behind family in other countries. They don’t have the natural support network that most students have. What makes this award special is that while it helps them financially, it also gives them that feeling that we are their support. We become their network.”

Sep 17, 2015

Promoting a Pro Bono Culture in Israel

Sep 17, 2015

Promoting a Pro Bono Culture in Israel HIAS Israel Director Sivan Carmel urges lawyers to consider the benefits of pro-bono work with refugees and asylum seekers. "If you join our program you will probably not change the world, but you can make a real difference in the life of one person, of one family."

Sep 3, 2015

Legal Fellows Fight Eritrean Grandfather’s Detention

Sep 3, 2015

Legal Fellows Fight Eritrean Grandfather’s Detention Gebre* thought that fleeing the chaos in Eritrea would keep his family safe. That hope was shattered in July of 2012, when a Molotov cocktail was thrown into the Jerusalem apartment Gebre's daughter (seven months pregnant at the time) and son-in-law share. The two were badly injured and extremely traumatized. The attack was just one in a string of xenophobic attacks against African migrants in Israel.

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