Topic: Israel

69 results

Sep 5, 2023

Eritrean Asylum Seekers Face “Instability and Uncertainty” in Israel

Sep 5, 2023

Following weekend clashes between Eritrean asylum seekers and the police, HIAS Israel Country Director Sivan Carmel appeared on CNN to provide context for and discuss the implications of the event.

Sep 3, 2023

HIAS Israel Statement on Protests at Eritrean Embassy Event

Sep 3, 2023

HIAS Israel Statement on Protests at Eritrean Embassy Event HIAS Israel is deeply pained by the violence and vandalism which erupted at the protest in South Tel Aviv Saturday and hopes for a speedy recovery for all those who were injured.

Jul 24, 2023

Explainer: Israel’s Harmful New Legislation

Jul 24, 2023

Protesters demonstrate against changes to Israel's Reasonableness|Doctrine The Knesset's passage of a new law curtailing the Reasonableness Doctrine could have a detrimental effect on the protection of human rights

May 25, 2023

Ukrainian Refugees in Israel Build Resilience Through Leadership

May 25, 2023

Israeli woman smiles as Ukrainian woman sits next to her and leans over to write something on a small desk A leadership program developed by HIAS Israel has met with a positive reception from Ukrainian refugees wanting to give back to their new communities.

Feb 27, 2023

HIAS Urges Israeli Government To Halt Changes That Would Undermine Democracy and Minority Rights

Feb 27, 2023

HIAS Urges Israeli Government To Halt Changes That Would Undermine Democracy and Minority Rights HIAS is urging the Israeli government and the Knesset to halt judicial reform legislation that presents a genuine threat to democracy, social cohesion, and the rights of vulnerable minority groups.

Jan 30, 2023

Impact of Scholarships to Student Immigrants “Humbling”

Jan 30, 2023

Impact of Scholarships to Student Immigrants “Humbling” HIAS Israel awarded 44 scholarships this year to student immigrants.  The winners came from Ethiopia, France, the United States, Argentina, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Ecuador. For many of the students, the $2,500 scholarship enables them to complete another year in school — whether college, graduate, or doctoral level.

Mar 29, 2022

Thousands of Ukrainians Arrive in Israel, But Not All Are Welcomed

Mar 29, 2022

Thousands of Ukrainians Arrive in Israel, But Not All Are Welcomed Israel has taken in thousands of Ukrainians, but there is another side to the situation, and it’s one that is not particularly welcoming to refugees.

Feb 3, 2022

PODCAST: Seeking Asylum in Israel

Feb 3, 2022

PODCAST: Seeking Asylum in Israel In the latest episode of Crossing Borders, the HIAS podcast, we learn about the complicated issue of asylum in Israel.

Jan 13, 2022

Finally Some Good News for Sudanese Asylum Seekers in Israel

Jan 13, 2022

Finally Some Good News for Sudanese Asylum Seekers in Israel Asylum seekers in Israel don’t often receive good news, but now 2,445 Sudanese asylum seekers are being granted temporary residence status in 2022.

Jul 16, 2021

Help for Elderly Asylum Seekers in Israel Could Be on the Way

Jul 16, 2021

Help for Elderly Asylum Seekers in Israel Could Be on the Way HIAS Israel has filed a petition against the ministries of interior, health, and labor and social services on behalf of several elderly asylum seekers.

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