Topic: HIAS Partners

140 results

Jul 17, 2023

EU-CELAC Summit: HIAS Calls for Renewed Commitments to Support Forcibly Displaced People

Jul 17, 2023

EU-CELAC Summit: HIAS Calls for Renewed Commitments to Support Forcibly Displaced People As European Union (EU) leaders commit to renewed cooperation with countries in Latin America and Caribbean (LAC), HIAS calls for strengthened efforts to ensure meaningful protection and sustainable inclusion for the more than 20 million forcibly displaced people across the LAC region.

Jul 13, 2023

HIAS Receives Avicenna Peace Award for Supporting Afghans

Jul 13, 2023

HIAS Receives Avicenna Peace Award for Supporting Afghans HIAS+JCORE Executive Director David Mason was among the recipients of the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies’ 2022 Avicenna International Award for Intercultural Cooperation for Peace.

Jul 12, 2023

HIAS Condemns House Bill’s Cuts to International Humanitarian Assistance

Jul 12, 2023

HIAS Condemns House Bill’s Cuts to International Humanitarian Assistance HIAS joins its NGO partners in condemning the State Department, Foreign Operations and Related Programs (SFOPs) bill for Fiscal Year 2024, which was approved by the House Appropriations Committee today.

Jul 12, 2023

HIAS Calls for Enhanced Coordination on Displacement in Latin America and the Caribbean 

Jul 12, 2023

HIAS Calls for Enhanced Coordination on Displacement in Latin America and the Caribbean  In an intervention delivered on Wednesday at a gathering of human rights leaders in the Western Hemisphere, Cristina Garcia, HIAS’ Senior Vice President for the Latin America and Caribbean region, called for enhanced coordination and cooperation in addressing forced displacement challenges. 

Jun 27, 2023

“Now I am Free”: A Gay Ugandan Builds Community in the U.S.

Jun 27, 2023

Robert, 36, a gay former refugee from Uganda, stands in his front yard near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, during a lull in the rain on June 12, 2023. Robert was resettled by HIAS resettlement partner HIAS Pennsylvania in 2016. | In 2014, Robert fled anti-LGBTQ persecution in Uganda, eventually settling in Philadelphia with the assistance of HIAS affiliate HIAS Pennsylvania. Today, as new anti-LGBTQ legislation looms large in Uganda, he has built a new life for himself — and community for LGBTQ refugees in Philadelphia.

Jun 22, 2023

More Than Just a Free Ride: Uber Fills a Need for Refugees 

Jun 22, 2023

Man outside of Uber car, little girl inside silver car The ride sharing company has been a lifeline for displaced people for whom transportation poses great difficulty.

Jun 20, 2023

The Position of CSOs Regarding the Prevention of Violation of the Rights of Refugees During the Martial Law in Ukraine

Jun 20, 2023

The Position of CSOs Regarding the Prevention of Violation of the Rights of Refugees During the Martial Law in Ukraine The full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation and a year of aggressive war in Ukraine have further exacerbated the vulnerability of asylum seekers, refugees and persons in need of complementary protection in Ukraine.

Jun 16, 2023

EU Must not be Complicit in Loss of Lives at Sea and Rights Violations at Europe’s Borders

Jun 16, 2023

EU Must not be Complicit in Loss of Lives at Sea and Rights Violations at Europe’s Borders Once again, dozens of lives have been lost at Europe’s borders due to the EU’s failure to allow people seeking protection to reach Europe safely.

Jun 13, 2023

Community Garden Offers Refugees Belonging and a Taste of Home

Jun 13, 2023

Rahmatullah Hamkar, an Afghan evacuee who was resettled by Gulf Coast JFCS, works in the organization's Refugee Garden on June 1, 2023 in Clearwater, Florida. | Community Garden for Refugees Offers Belonging & a Taste of Home | HIAS Putting down roots in a welcoming community is vital to refugees’ long-term success in the United States. To facilitate this, HIAS resettlement partner Gulf Coast Jewish Family and Community Services has developed a community garden where clients can gather to cultivate foods used in their native cuisines.

May 15, 2023

HIAS Congratulates Amy E. Pope on Election as IOM Director General

May 15, 2023

HIAS Congratulates Amy E. Pope on Election as IOM Director General HIAS congratulates Amy E. Pope on her election as Director General of the United Nations International Organization for Migration (IOM).

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