Topic: Afghanistan

53 results

Aug 28, 2024

Afghan Refugees Deserve Our Assistance and Support 

Afghan Refugees Deserve Our Assistance and Support  Three years after the U.S. withdrawal, thousands of Afghans are still struggling for legal status.

Aug 19, 2024

Afghan Asylum Seekers Struggle to Gain Legal Status in the U.S.

Afghan Asylum Seekers Struggle to Gain Legal Status in the U.S. For Afghan asylum seekers who were left behind during the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, finding legal support is yet another challenge.

Sep 22, 2023

HIAS Welcomes TPS Extension and Redesignation for Afghanistan

HIAS Welcomes TPS Extension and Redesignation for Afghanistan HIAS welcomes Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ announcement on the extension of Afghanistan for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for 18 months.

Jul 13, 2023

HIAS Receives Avicenna Peace Award for Supporting Afghans

HIAS Receives Avicenna Peace Award for Supporting Afghans HIAS+JCORE Executive Director David Mason was among the recipients of the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies’ 2022 Avicenna International Award for Intercultural Cooperation for Peace.

Jun 13, 2023

Community Garden Offers Refugees Belonging and a Taste of Home

Rahmatullah Hamkar, an Afghan evacuee who was resettled by Gulf Coast JFCS, works in the organization's Refugee Garden on June 1, 2023 in Clearwater, Florida. | Community Garden for Refugees Offers Belonging & a Taste of Home | HIAS Putting down roots in a welcoming community is vital to refugees’ long-term success in the United States. To facilitate this, HIAS resettlement partner Gulf Coast Jewish Family and Community Services has developed a community garden where clients can gather to cultivate foods used in their native cuisines.

Feb 13, 2023

WATCH: Three Faiths, One Family

In the wake of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, St. Louisans from three faith communities came together to welcome a family of evacuees and help them get settled in the United States.

Feb 2, 2023

How an Innovative Pro Bono Program Helps Afghan Evacuees

How an Innovative Pro Bono Program Helps Afghan Evacuees For tens of thousands of Afghan evacuees, the clock is ticking to apply for asylum before their temporary status of humanitarian parole expires. By connecting evacuees with pro bono lawyers, the Pro Se+ project has helped many navigate this process more smoothly.

Sep 22, 2022

Why Advocacy Must Advance on Multiple Fronts

Why Advocacy Must Advance on Multiple Fronts This summer, HIAS’ grassroots advocacy sought to influence the upcoming U.S. refugee admissions goal and priorities for the 2023 fiscal year.

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