Topic: Advocacy

330 results

Oct 20, 2020

Action Call: Election 2020

Action Call: Election 2020 The future of refugee resettlement and asylum hinge on the positions of the leaders we elect in November.

Oct 8, 2020

Presidential Intent, But No Declaration: What Now for U.S. Refugee Admissions?

Presidential Intent, But No Declaration: What Now for U.S. Refugee Admissions? The announcement of the new unofficial refugee admissions cap of 15,000 brought up many questions that have still not been answered.

Oct 5, 2020

Attorney General’s Decision Makes Matters Worse for Asylum Seekers

Attorney General’s Decision Makes Matters Worse for Asylum Seekers A policy from the U.S. Attorney General makes it harder for asylum seekers to win their cases.

Oct 1, 2020

Casting Off Sins at an ICE Detention Center

Casting Off Sins at an ICE Detention Center Protesting human rights abuses at the Irwin Detention Center in Ocilla, Georgia.

Sep 24, 2020

Refugees Succeed, and In Turn Inspire Those Who Help Them

Refugees Succeed, and In Turn Inspire Those Who Help Them Despite these tough times, there are still stories of hope and resilience that bolster refugees and inspire those helping them.

Sep 23, 2020

Path to Genocide: An Exhibit on the Rohingya Explained

Path to Genocide: An Exhibit on the Rohingya Explained A new exhibit tells stories of the Rohingya, and how they went from citizens to outsiders to victims of genocide.

Sep 18, 2020

When You Say ‘Never Again,’ Remember the Rohingya

When You Say ‘Never Again,’ Remember the Rohingya We invite the entire American-Jewish community to commit to acting in 5781 to support the Rohingya people.

Aug 26, 2020

HIAS Honored by Women of Reform Judaism

HIAS Honored by Women of Reform Judaism Women of Reform Judaism, or WRJ, gave HIAS its most prestigious award in a virtual ceremony Aug. 25.

Aug 19, 2020

Today We Recognize Humanitarian Workers for All They Do

Today We Recognize Humanitarian Workers for All They Do Each year on August 19, the United Nations honors humanitarian aid workers by celebrating World Humanitarian Day.

Aug 17, 2020

Strict New Regulations Limit NGOs Helping Refugees in Greece

Strict New Regulations Limit NGOs Helping Refugees in Greece When new regulations issued in Greece earlier this year suddenly hampered refugee agencies’ ability to help people seeking asylum, the HIAS Greece legal team knew they had to fight back.

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