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Aug 11, 2021

Bringing Hope to Flood Ravaged Villages in Guyana

Aug 11, 2021

Bringing Hope to Flood Ravaged Villages in Guyana HIAS Guyana mobilized internal emergency response fund resources to conduct a rapid assessment and distribute relief items to people in remove villages who were ravaged by the worst flooding in 15 years.

Aug 5, 2021

Across America, Refugee Resettlement Ramps Back Up

Aug 5, 2021

Across America, Refugee Resettlement Ramps Back Up Refugees are once again arriving in the United States in higher numbers, and resettlement agencies are working hard to grow and meet their needs.

Jul 30, 2021

The Refugee Convention at 70

Jul 30, 2021

The Refugee Convention at 70 This week marks the 70th anniversary of the Refugee Convention of 1951, the international legal document which was intended to ensure solutions for refugees.

Jul 20, 2021

Historic First for Asylees in California

Jul 20, 2021

Historic First for Asylees in California California is set to be the first state in the nation to introduce case management services for asylees.

Jul 16, 2021

Help for Elderly Asylum Seekers in Israel Could Be on the Way

Jul 16, 2021

Help for Elderly Asylum Seekers in Israel Could Be on the Way HIAS Israel has filed a petition against the ministries of interior, health, and labor and social services on behalf of several elderly asylum seekers.

Jul 15, 2021

Afghan Allies Promised a Lifeline

Jul 15, 2021

Afghan Allies Promised a Lifeline Later this month, the United States will begin evacuations of Afghans who worked for the U.S. government and military during its 20-year-long war in Afghanistan.

Jul 14, 2021

May Our Lamentations Open Our Hearts to Welcome

Jul 14, 2021

May Our Lamentations Open Our Hearts to Welcome This Tisha B’Av, as the Jewish community commemorates the destruction of both ancient temples in Jerusalem and the exile of the Jewish people, we mourn the losses refugees and asylum seekers have suffered.

Jul 2, 2021

One Green Card, One Diploma, One Happy Graduate

Jul 2, 2021

One Green Card, One Diploma, One Happy Graduate Mikes Joseph needed HIAS' help to get his green card so he could graduate nursing school.

Jun 29, 2021

We Still Need to Help at the U.S-Mexico Border

Jun 29, 2021

We Still Need to Help at the U.S-Mexico Border HIAS President and CEO Mark Hetfield visited the HIAS teams in Monterrey, Ciudad Juárez, Tijuana, and Mexicali who are helping hundreds of asylum seekers.

Jun 25, 2021

What Did World Refugee Day Look Like?

Jun 25, 2021

What Did World Refugee Day Look Like? World Refugee Day events around the world celebrated refugees' resilience.

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