All Stories

Jun 25, 2021

What Did World Refugee Day Look Like?

Jun 25, 2021

What Did World Refugee Day Look Like? World Refugee Day events around the world celebrated refugees' resilience.

Jun 24, 2021

WATCH: I Never Thought It Will Happen to Me

Jun 24, 2021

The story of Baraka, a gay man who fled his home in Rwanda after his sexuality was discovered, and the critical help he has received from HIAS Kenya.

Jun 23, 2021

A High-Level Visit for HIAS Offices in Panama and Ecuador

Jun 23, 2021

A High-Level Visit for HIAS Offices in Panama and Ecuador UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi met with HIAS clients in Panama and Ecuador.

Jun 18, 2021

Despite Pandemic, Refugee Numbers Grow to Unprecedented Levels

Jun 18, 2021

Despite Pandemic, Refugee Numbers Grow to Unprecedented Levels UNHCR published its annual Global Trends report, which showed 82.4 million people around the world were forcibly displaced in 2020 — the largest population of forcibly displaced people in history.

Jun 17, 2021

WATCH: To Start Another Life, Free

Jun 17, 2021

WATCH: To Start Another Life, Free Ilia, a gay man originally from Russia, has been able to restart his life in safety in the U.S. In this original video, he recounts his ordeal, his escape from Russia, and how he has “learned to be free” in his new homeland.

Jun 16, 2021

‘Am I Going to Make It Until Tomorrow?’: A Gay Refugee’s Escape from Persecution

Jun 16, 2021

‘Am I Going to Make It Until Tomorrow?’: A Gay Refugee’s Escape from Persecution Yusuf, a gay man from eastern Africa, endured years of isolation, abuse, and several close brushes with death because of his sexuality. But now, with the help of HIAS and its local resettlement partners, he's rebuilding his life in safety and dignity.

Jun 8, 2021

#RefugeesGive Tells The Stories of Refugees Helping Their New Communities

Jun 8, 2021

#RefugeesGive Tells The Stories of Refugees Helping Their New Communities In honor of World Refugee Day on June 20, GivingTuesday will highlight the voices of refugees and their stories of generosity.

Jun 7, 2021

Let Me Tell You Why I Think of Adam During Pride Month

Jun 7, 2021

Let Me Tell You Why I Think of Adam During Pride Month Yiftach Millo has worked on LGBTQ refugee issues for many years, but for Pride month he tells the story of Adam, the "ultimate" refugee.

Jun 4, 2021

Wolf Blitzer: Welcome and Help Refugees

Jun 4, 2021

Wolf Blitzer: Welcome and Help Refugees The CNN speaks about the need for Americans of all religions to support and welcome refugees to the United States.

Jun 1, 2021

How HIAS Came to Work With LGBTQ Refugees

Jun 1, 2021

How HIAS Came to Work With LGBTQ Refugees While LGBTQ outreach is not a core part of HIAS’ work, it is vitally important and has had a profound impact on many hundreds of LGBTQ refugees' lives.

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