

HIAS carries out a group workshop on GBV prevention and response in the presence of Colombia Country Director, Camilo Ramírez, in Arauca, February 8, 2024. (Natalia Gardeazabal/HIAS)

Colombia hosts the largest population of Venezuelan refugees and migrants in Latin America and the Caribbean, with more than 2.8 million residing in the country. In recent years, Colombia has also received around 845,000 returnees from Venezuela, many of whom had been living abroad for significant periods of time.

HIAS supports displaced people to rebuild their lives and reunite with family members in safety and freedom. HIAS Colombia focuses on supporting single women, women-headed households, survivors of gender-based violence (GBV), people with disabilities and serious medical conditions, and LGBTQ+ refugees.

HIAS Colombia works with Venezuelan refugees and migrants, Colombian returnees from Venezuela, internally displaced people, and host communities.


people have received services from HIAS Colombia until July 2023

Our Work in Colombia

HIAS focuses on the prevention of and response to GBV, community-based mental health and psychosocial support, economic inclusion, and protection actions including temporary housing and supplementary food support. Working closely with government institutions, partner organizations, the private sector, and refugee communities, HIAS Colombia promotes local integration and access to rights and services. HIAS operates with the support of the United States Government, AECID, Airbnb, Cadena, Caritas, ECHO, the Hilton Foundation, the Internet Society Foundation, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Uber, UNHCR Colombia, USAID-Laser Pulse, and Mackenzie Scott.

A HIAS staff member speaks with a woman and girl about HIAS' programs to address violence against women and girls. End Violence Against Women and Girls | HIAS

We help women and girls access their full potential and live free from violence by supporting survivors, mitigating risks, and engaging communities in change.

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We provide legal services and support, including free legal representation for asylum seekers so that everyone around the world, including displaced people, can have equal access to their legal rights.

Provide Legal Support

HIAS’ community-based mental health programs promote the well-being of individuals, families, and communities affected by crisis and conflict so they can heal and rebuild their lives.

Support Community Mental Health

Our economic inclusion programs ensure that refugees have economic opportunities to earn sustainable income and start their lives anew.

Promote Economic Inclusion
A HIAS staff member speaks with a woman and girl about HIAS' programs to address violence against women and girls. End Violence Against Women and Girls | HIAS

We help women and girls access their full potential and live free from violence by supporting survivors, mitigating risks, and engaging communities in change.

Learn More

Impact Story

HIAS Colombia staff interview participants of the employability program in Cali and Popayan, July 2024. (Natalia Gardeazabal/HIAS Colombia)

Matching Refugees and Migrants with Job Opportunities

HIAS Colombia‘s economic inclusion program promotes the economic empowerment and autonomy of refugee and migrant women, the LGBTQ+ population, and host communities. The program has a specific focus on supporting survivors of gender-based violence (GBV), and people at-risk of experiencing GBV.


Participants gain access to opportunities through skills training programs for two pathways: employability and entrepreneurship. They also receive mental health support and learn soft skills during the process.


Read ‘HIAS Colombia Memorias 2023’ here. 

HIAS’ services are free. If someone tries to charge you for services claiming they represent HIAS, please report it at our confidential email address: HIAS has a zero-tolerance policy on fraud and corruption. 

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