Topic: Video

61 results

Apr 30, 2020

How Asylum Seekers In Israel Are Coping With COVID-19

How Asylum Seekers In Israel Are Coping With COVID-19 Before the COVID-19 pandemic, asylum seekers in Israel were leading precarious lives. Now, with the country on lockdown and jobs drying up, HIAS Israel County Director Sivan Carmel says it is harder than ever for asylum seekers to stay afloat.

Apr 7, 2020

Celebrating Passover During a Pandemic: Same, But Different

Celebrating Passover During a Pandemic: Same, But Different This year, instead of gathering for Seders, millions of Jews are separated from their families during Passover, as the world continues to grapple with COVID-19.

Apr 1, 2020

Briefing: How HIAS Protects Refugees Amid COVID-19

Briefing: How HIAS Protects Refugees Amid COVID-19 Members of HIAS' leadership team discuss how HIAS is standing up for the health and safety of refugees amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mar 16, 2020

On the 40th Anniversary of the Refugee Act of 1980

On the 40th Anniversary of the Refugee Act of 1980 Forty years ago, in the highest expression of the American spirit, Congress passed the Refugee Act of 1980, landmark legislation that established the U.S. refugee resettlement program and asylum system.

Mar 10, 2020

‘Everything Is Different’: One Refugee’s Journey Out of Extreme Poverty

‘Everything Is Different’: One Refugee’s Journey Out of Extreme Poverty Ten years after fleeing his home in Colombia, José Miguel Palma has a degree, a career, and a thriving family.

Feb 12, 2020

HIAS Video Helps Asylum Seekers Know Their Rights

HIAS Video Helps Asylum Seekers Know Their Rights HIAS, along with the Catholic Legal Immigiration Network (CLINIC) and the Feerick Center for Social Justice at Fordham University, has created a comprehensive “Know Your Rights” video for asylum seekers.

Dec 10, 2019

VIDEO: We Open Our Hearts for Them

VIDEO: We Open Our Hearts for Them As the global refugee crisis continues to affect millions, HIAS is expanding our response. Watch our new video.

Sep 9, 2019

VIDEO: The Presidential Determination Explained

VIDEO: The Presidential Determination Explained In the next few weeks, President Trump will announce the Presidential Determination for 2020, and the refugee admissions cap might be zero.

Jul 17, 2019

WATCH: A Day in the Life of HIAS Border Fellow Luis Gonzalez

WATCH: A Day in the Life of HIAS Border Fellow Luis Gonzalez Watch “A Day in the Life of HIAS Border Fellow Luis Gonzalez” to see what making a difference looks like firsthand.

Jul 10, 2019

LISTEN: Podcast with HIAS’ VP of International Programs Rachel Levitan

LISTEN: Podcast with HIAS’ VP of International Programs Rachel Levitan The Immigration Nerds Podcast Interviews HIAS' VP of International Programs Rachel Levitan.

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