Topic: Refugee Resettlement

Through our network of local resettlement partners, HIAS welcomes resettled refugees and helps them build their lives in communities across the United States.

256 results

Apr 27, 2018

Through Tech Course, Refugees Take Another Step Forward in New York

Apr 27, 2018

Through Tech Course, Refugees Take Another Step Forward in New York “This may be the first official document of great value many of you will have received in your new country,” she said, “but this is just your first step.”

Apr 13, 2018

Making Sense of the Decline in U.S. Refugee Admissions

Apr 13, 2018

Making Sense of the Decline in U.S. Refugee Admissions Refugee admissions to the United States continue to dwindle, down more than 70 percent from last year.

Apr 9, 2018

Interfaith Volunteers Find Common Ground with Refugees in Westchester

Apr 9, 2018

Interfaith Volunteers Find Common Ground with Refugees in Westchester “This is the same story of my grandparents more than a hundred years ago. People came from somewhere, they had guts and grit, and some help, and a hundred years later here we are.”

Mar 5, 2018

After School Program for Refugees Flourishes in Pittsburgh

Mar 5, 2018

After School Program for Refugees Flourishes in Pittsburgh “Interacting with the program mentors, our clients can pick up on the daily habits of Americans, experience English immersion in a safe environment, and see Americans as their friends—a true application of integration and social orientation.”

Feb 13, 2018

Only in America: How a Ugandan Refugee Became a Louisiana Success Story

Feb 13, 2018

Only in America: How a Ugandan Refugee Became a Louisiana Success Story Daulat Sthanki arrived in New Orleans in November 1972 with a single bag. Uganda’s loss would ultimately be Louisiana’s, and America’s, gain.

Sep 28, 2017

Refugee Ceiling, Muslim Ban 3.0 and the Supreme Court

Sep 28, 2017

Refugee Ceiling, Muslim Ban 3.0 and the Supreme Court It’s been a busy few days for those fighting to keep America a welcoming country. Here's what you need to know and how you can take action.

Sep 20, 2017

OP-ED: President Trump’s Dangerous Falsehoods on Refugees at the United Nations

Sep 20, 2017

OP-ED: President Trump’s Dangerous Falsehoods on Refugees at the United Nations “The notion that America would somehow be doing a greater service to refugees by resettling symptomatic of how this White House views refugees: as threats, not assets.”

Aug 25, 2017

SLIDESHOW: Ohio Summer Camp Empowers Refugee Women and Children

Aug 25, 2017

SLIDESHOW: Ohio Summer Camp Empowers Refugee Women and Children For many Americans, summer camp means bunk beds, bonfires and bug spray. But a unique five-week day camp program in Toledo, Ohio has helped a group of recently resettled Syrian refugee women and children adjust to life in the United States.

Aug 18, 2017

New Report Urges Administration to Preserve U.S. Humanitarian Leadership

Aug 18, 2017

New Report Urges Administration to Preserve U.S. Humanitarian Leadership A new report by Refugees International and two dozen foreign policy experts and humanitarian leaders warns against attempts to fundamentally reorganize the U.S. government’s humanitarian functions.

Jun 28, 2017

The TORCH Act Aims to Help Refugees Access Higher Education

Jun 28, 2017

The TORCH Act Aims to Help Refugees Access Higher Education “Many refugees have to start from scratch when they arrive in the U.S.," said Melanie Nezer, senior vice president for public affairs at HIAS. "With the TORCH Act, Representative Huffman lowers a huge barrier to education by allowing refugees access to in-state tuition so they can get on the path to self-sufficiency as soon as they can after arrival.”

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