Topic: Latin America

49 results

Mar 28, 2023

Deadly Fire Puts Spotlight on U.S.-Mexico Border Concerns

Mar 28, 2023

Woman cries next to an ambulance in which her husband, who was injured in a fire, is being transported following a fire at the immigration station in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico | Deadly Fire in Mexican Migrant Center At least 39 people died and dozens were injured Monday night in a fire at the National Migration Institute in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, an area where HIAS is active in assisting asylum seekers.

Mar 20, 2023

A Single Sewing Machine Threads Generations of Refugees

Mar 20, 2023

A Kenmore-3 sewing machine A sewing machine that once belonged to a family HIAS resettled in Venezuela in the 1950s is now, by coincidence, being used by present-day HIAS clients in the country.

Mar 17, 2023

As Conference on Venezuelan Refugees and Migrants Begins, HIAS Urges International Community to Renew Commitments

Mar 17, 2023

As Conference on Venezuelan Refugees and Migrants Begins, HIAS Urges International Community to Renew Commitments As donors, governments, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from around the world come together in Brussels for this week’s donors' conference on the Venezuelan displacement crisis, HIAS is calling for a concerted effort to prioritize the most pressing needs of Venezuelans and their host communities, including women, children, and indigenous populations.

Mar 8, 2023

HIAS’ Director for Latin America and the Caribbean Delivers Joint NGO Statement to UNHCR

Mar 8, 2023

HIAS’ Director for Latin America and the Caribbean Delivers Joint NGO Statement to UNHCR In the Americas, mixed movements soared to new record levels in 2022, both in volume and complexity. The protection space shrank largely due to new restrictive migratory policies and measures limiting safe routes and unrestricted mobility, putting displaced people at higher risk. 

Dec 7, 2022

HIAS Opens Five New International Offices, Now Assisting Refugees in 22 Countries

Dec 7, 2022

HIAS Opens Five New International Offices, Now Assisting Refugees in 22 Countries HIAS, the global Jewish nonprofit that protects refugees, has opened new country offices in Moldova, Poland, and Romania to step up its assistance to people displaced by the war in Ukraine. In addition, new offices in Honduras and Guatemala will position the organization to provide services to a growing population of refugees and asylum seekers in Central America.

Jul 28, 2022

As People Are Displaced, We Must Meet Them On Their Journey

Jul 28, 2022

As People Are Displaced, We Must Meet Them On Their Journey Across Colombia HIAS provides mental health and psychosocial support. But on-the-ground observations show that there is more to do.

Jun 3, 2022

Nicaraguan Asylum Seekers Keep Heading to Costa Rica

Jun 3, 2022

Nicaraguan Asylum Seekers Keep Heading to Costa Rica For several years the number of asylum applications in Costa Rica has increased dramatically.

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