Topic: HIAS Partners

137 results

Jun 22, 2018

For World Refugee Day, HIAS and Partners Spread Welcome

Jun 22, 2018

For World Refugee Day, HIAS and Partners Spread Welcome “Our shared immigrant and refugee experiences, and teachings to ‘welcoming the stranger,’ has helped to build this large and engaged constituency."

Jun 20, 2018

WATCH: Protecting Refugees in Greece, An Interfaith Response

Jun 20, 2018

WATCH: Protecting Refugees in Greece, An Interfaith Response A new video tells the story of a unique partnership between HIAS and Islamic Relief USA which is helping to ensure that the most vulnerable refugees in Greece receive access to legal protection.

Jun 13, 2018

Jewish Organizations Oppose Family Separation

Jun 13, 2018

Jewish Organizations Oppose Family Separation In a letter to AG Sessions and Secretary Nielsen, the group wrote: "Our Jewish faith demands of us concern for the stranger in our midst."

May 22, 2018

In Ohio, New Initiatives Aim to Empower Refugees

May 22, 2018

In Ohio, New Initiatives Aim to Empower Refugees “We see all the barriers that people come with, and we try to bring solutions to those barriers and guide people along the way.”

May 18, 2018

Resettled Syrian Refugee Graduates Top in Class

May 18, 2018

Resettled Syrian Refugee Graduates Top in Class “The strength of the American community comes from diversity,” he says.

May 8, 2018

New Resources Help Integrate Gender Into Humanitarian Responses

May 8, 2018

New Resources Help Integrate Gender Into Humanitarian Responses These new tools provide practical guidance to frontline humanitarian workers on how to integrate gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls throughout their programs.

May 4, 2018

In North Carolina, Local Advocacy Trainings Boost Action for Refugees

May 4, 2018

In North Carolina, Local Advocacy Trainings Boost Action for Refugees Participants came together to deepen their skills and to identify areas for cooperation in advocating for refugees on the local, state and federal levels.

Apr 27, 2018

Through Tech Course, Refugees Take Another Step Forward in New York

Apr 27, 2018

Through Tech Course, Refugees Take Another Step Forward in New York “This may be the first official document of great value many of you will have received in your new country,” she said, “but this is just your first step.”

Apr 24, 2018

New York Bar Foundation Awards Legal Grant to HIAS

Apr 24, 2018

New York Bar Foundation Awards Legal Grant to HIAS “This timely grant will strengthen our attorneys’ ability to protect the rights of their clients at a moment of critical need.”

Mar 20, 2018

JFS Soccer Team Brings Refugees Together in Seattle

Mar 20, 2018

JFS Soccer Team Brings Refugees Together in Seattle The team is comprised of 90 percent refugees resettled to the Greater Seattle area, and also includes a handful of JFS clients and staff.

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