Topic: European Refugee Crisis

97 results

Mar 10, 2020

Opinion: Both the E.U. and the United States Are Endangering Refugees

Mar 10, 2020

Opinion: Both the E.U. and the United States Are Endangering Refugees Refugees are being mistreated at the border between Turkey and Greece, and the situation is similar to the one at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Feb 28, 2020

An Early Seder Bonds European Jewish Youth Activists

Feb 28, 2020

An Early Seder Bonds European Jewish Youth Activists The European Union of Jewish Students (EUJS) and HIAS Europe brought together 25 Jewish youth activists from across Europe on February 17 to learn about today’s refugees and contemporary challenges to the right to international protection.

Nov 13, 2019

Conditions in Greek Refugee Camp Continue to Deteriorate

Nov 13, 2019

Conditions in Greek Refugee Camp Continue to Deteriorate The situation in the Moria refugee camp can be justifiably characterized as a humanitarian crisis.

Jun 20, 2019

HIAS Joins 25 Faith-Based Orgs Committed to Dignity of Refugees

Jun 20, 2019

HIAS Joins 25 Faith-Based Orgs Committed to Dignity of Refugees HIAS Joins 25 Faith-Based Orgs Committed to Dignity of Refugees Jun 20, 2019 The diversity of origins and traditions which make humanity unique are being targeted by intolerance, sometimes by brutal violence, and refugees are often on the front line of this assault. Reinforcing the traditional role of faith communities in offering sanctuary to refugees, […]

Jun 6, 2019

80 Years Ago and Today: Refusing Refugees Help in Times of Crisis

Jun 6, 2019

80 Years Ago and Today: Refusing Refugees Help in Times of Crisis This Thursday, June 6, marks the 80th anniversary of the day the M.S. St. Louis, a German passenger ship carrying 937 people– nearly all Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany– was denied entry to the United States.

Mar 18, 2019

A New Name, a New Life

Mar 18, 2019

A New Name, a New Life With the help of HIAS Greece, Ovileya, a transgender refugee woman, won her case in court to have her gender and name changed on her identification papers.

Nov 21, 2018

WATCH: Mark Hetfield Moderates Refugee Panel at Halifax Forum

Nov 21, 2018

WATCH: Mark Hetfield Moderates Refugee Panel at Halifax Forum HIAS President and CEO Mark Hetfield moderated a discussion at the Halifax International Security Forum on global migration and the refugee crisis.

Jun 20, 2018

WATCH: Protecting Refugees in Greece, An Interfaith Response

Jun 20, 2018

WATCH: Protecting Refugees in Greece, An Interfaith Response A new video tells the story of a unique partnership between HIAS and Islamic Relief USA which is helping to ensure that the most vulnerable refugees in Greece receive access to legal protection.

Mar 26, 2018

Two Years After EU-Turkey Deal, New HIAS Report Puts EASO Under the Microscope

Mar 26, 2018

Two Years After EU-Turkey Deal, New HIAS Report Puts EASO Under the Microscope The new report, “EASO’s Operation on the Greek Hotspot: An overlooked consequence of the EU-Turkey Deal,” was released under the Greece Refugee Rights Initiative, a joint initiative between HIAS and Islamic Relief USA.

Feb 17, 2017

Welcome: An Idea Worth Spreading

Feb 17, 2017

Welcome: An Idea Worth Spreading “Often refugees are defined by what they have lost, which is a lot," HIAS VP Melanie Nezer said in a recent Tedx talk on the global refugee crisis. "Their homes, their jobs, their communities, their friends and, in many cases, family members. But they also have a lot of things. They have hope. They have education. They have skills. And they have a great desire to live in peace.”

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