Topic: Ecuador

48 results

Aug 28, 2019

HIAS Ecuador Responds to Border Emergency

HIAS Ecuador Responds to Border Emergency HIAS Ecuador worked around the clock over the past several days to assist Venezuelans who were streaming into the country, crossing the border before they felt it might be too late.

Jun 24, 2019

Celebrating World Refugee Day 2019

Celebrating World Refugee Day 2019 On World Refugee Day all over the world, HIAS and its supporters took part in celebrations of refugees.

Dec 26, 2018

2018 YEAR IN REVIEW: Challenges, Heartbreak, and Resolve

2018 YEAR IN REVIEW: Challenges, Heartbreak, and Resolve 2018 was a challenging year for HIAS as we continued our work of fighting for refugees and asylum seekers.

Dec 14, 2018

HIAS Active in 16 Days Campaign to End Gender-Based Violence

HIAS Active in 16 Days Campaign to End Gender-Based Violence HIAS joins in the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, the international campaign to stop violence against women and girls.

Jul 19, 2018

Refugees Get Help in the Palms of Their Hands

Refugees Get Help in the Palms of Their Hands HIAS Ecuador and TATA Consultancy Services (TCS), the largest IT services multinational company in Latin America, have signed a cooperation agreement that will benefit refugee families in Ecuador.

Apr 11, 2018

In Ecuador, Starting Over Through Baking

In Ecuador, Starting Over Through Baking "My biggest dream is to own a bakery where I can give jobs to people who need it," Patricia says.

Jan 22, 2018

HIAS in Ecuador Recognized for “Graduating” Refugees Out of Extreme Poverty

HIAS in Ecuador Recognized for “Graduating” Refugees Out of Extreme Poverty Long praised for who they were serving, HIAS in Ecuador is now being recognized for how they are serving.

Nov 17, 2016

How One Refugee Family in Ecuador Turned Cheese Into Business Success

How One Refugee Family in Ecuador Turned Cheese Into Business Success Rather than being intimidated by the economic crisis in her adopted city, María Eugenia took the initiative to start her own business. She makes and sells a traditional cheese called queso amasado. You can now buy her products in three Ecuadorian cities.

Sep 26, 2016

Young Refugee Photographers Show Promise

Young Refugee Photographers Show Promise “These young people were looking to talk about their lives, their dreams and their experiences as refugees. We thought that photography was a good way to tell these stories,” said HIAS Psychologist Cesar Torres. The exhibition, held at one of the largest theaters in the area, featured the work of six refugee youth following seven months of training and artistic development.

Aug 10, 2016

A Syrian Refugee in Quito

A Syrian Refugee in Quito It’s not an exaggeration to call the current refugee crisis global. Its effects are truly being seen worldwide. Meet Dannah, who fled her native Damascus with her mother and daughter and is now rebuilding her life in Ecuador, with help from HIAS.

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