Topic: Advocacy

324 results

Feb 22, 2019

LISTEN: The Actual “National Emergency”: Threats to Asylum

LISTEN: The Actual “National Emergency”: Threats to Asylum Listen to an overview of policy changes related to asylum seekers and the U.S.-Mexico border, and ways for you to take action.

Feb 15, 2019

HIAS on the Hill: Advocacy Days in D.C.

HIAS on the Hill: Advocacy Days in D.C. More than 50 people from around the country came to Washington, D.C., this week to advocate for refugees in the halls of the U.S. Congress.

Jan 27, 2019

Still Fighting the Muslim Ban After Two Years

Still Fighting the Muslim Ban After Two Years It’s been two years since President Trump first signed an executive order to ban Muslims from entering the country.

Dec 18, 2018

UN Approves Global Compact on Refugees

UN Approves Global Compact on Refugees This week in Geneva, the Global Compact on Refugees was endorsed with overwhelming support by members of the United Nations General Assembly.

Dec 2, 2018

WATCH: Speaking to the Kindertransport Association

WATCH: Speaking to the Kindertransport Association HIAS President and CEO Mark Hetfield addressed the Kindertransport Association and discussed the importance of remembering history and reminding the United States of its responsibility.

Oct 24, 2018

American Jews Stand Up for Refugees on National Refugee Shabbat

American Jews Stand Up for Refugees on National Refugee Shabbat This past Shabbat, the growing Jewish movement for refugees was strongly evident in hundreds of communities across the country.

Sep 13, 2018

HIAS Joins Christian Groups to ask for 75,000 Refugees

HIAS Joins Christian Groups to ask for 75,000 Refugees On September 12th, HIAS representatives and volunteers joined with several major Christian denominations to stand outside the White House and demand the Trump Administration welcome 75,000 refugees in 2019.

Sep 6, 2018

WATCH: Melanie Nezer’s ELI Talk on Home and its Meaning

WATCH: Melanie Nezer’s ELI Talk on Home and its Meaning Watch Senior Vice President for Public Affairs Melanie Nezer's ELI Talk called “The Ground Beneath My Children’s Feet: Refugees and the Jewish Story."

Sep 4, 2018

WATCH: Witnesses at the Border

WATCH: Witnesses at the Border Last month, 27 leaders from 17 national Jewish organizations, led by HIAS and the Anti-Defamation League, traveled to the U.S.-Mexico border to get a firsthand look at the crisis affecting families, asylum seekers, and others. This new video follows the group as they bear witness.

Aug 16, 2018

National Jewish Organizations Call on President to Admit 75,000 Refugees in 2019

National Jewish Organizations Call on President to Admit 75,000 Refugees in 2019 Today HIAS sent a letter signed by 36 national Jewish organizations to President Trump urging him to allow at least 75,000 refugees to be admitted to the United States in 2019.

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