Topic: Advocacy

324 results

Jan 21, 2021

Hard Work Ahead to Repair Broken U.S. Asylum System

Hard Work Ahead to Repair Broken U.S. Asylum System As the Biden administration prepares to undo the damage done to the immigration system, it will be under pressure to work quickly but it will be hampered by complex issues regarding asylum policies and regulations.

Dec 16, 2020

Actor Mandy Patinkin Tells HIAS Assembly What Refugees Have Taught Him

Actor Mandy Patinkin Tells HIAS Assembly What Refugees Have Taught Him Actors and activists Mandy Patinkin and Kathryn Grody spoke to the Jews For Refugees Assembly about their experiences meeting refugees and the need to welcome them to the United States once again.

Nov 13, 2020

Senator Cardin Hopeful for Change on Immigration, Refugee Resettlement

Senator Cardin Hopeful for Change on Immigration, Refugee Resettlement Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) told an audience of more than 350 on a HIAS-hosted post-election briefing call that he is confident the incoming Biden administration will set a new course, and restore refugee resettlement and repair America’s broken asylum system.

Oct 28, 2020

Arguments Heard in HIAS v. Trump Appeal

Arguments Heard in HIAS v. Trump Appeal HIAS argued in federal court on Oct. 27 that an injunction against President Trump's executive order giving states and local governments the power to block the resettlement of refugees should remain in effect.

Oct 20, 2020

Action Call: Election 2020

Action Call: Election 2020 The future of refugee resettlement and asylum hinge on the positions of the leaders we elect in November.

Oct 8, 2020

Presidential Intent, But No Declaration: What Now for U.S. Refugee Admissions?

Presidential Intent, But No Declaration: What Now for U.S. Refugee Admissions? The announcement of the new unofficial refugee admissions cap of 15,000 brought up many questions that have still not been answered.

Oct 5, 2020

Attorney General’s Decision Makes Matters Worse for Asylum Seekers

Attorney General’s Decision Makes Matters Worse for Asylum Seekers A policy from the U.S. Attorney General makes it harder for asylum seekers to win their cases.

Oct 1, 2020

Casting Off Sins at an ICE Detention Center

Casting Off Sins at an ICE Detention Center Protesting human rights abuses at the Irwin Detention Center in Ocilla, Georgia.

Sep 24, 2020

Refugees Succeed, and In Turn Inspire Those Who Help Them

Refugees Succeed, and In Turn Inspire Those Who Help Them Despite these tough times, there are still stories of hope and resilience that bolster refugees and inspire those helping them.

Sep 23, 2020

Path to Genocide: An Exhibit on the Rohingya Explained

Path to Genocide: An Exhibit on the Rohingya Explained A new exhibit tells stories of the Rohingya, and how they went from citizens to outsiders to victims of genocide.

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