Results: ukraine

235 results

April 11, 2023


Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Ukraine

April 11, 2023


Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Ukraine Ukraine has, for many years, been both a transit and destination country for people fleeing persecution and violence in other parts of the world. In 2021, approximately 5,000 asylum seekers and refugees were seeking refuge in Ukraine or were in transit to the EU. While heterogeneous, they share common vulnerabilities.

Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Ukraine

Feb 22, 2023


March 6, 2023


Ukraine Assessment Report

March 6, 2023


Ukraine Assessment Report In May of 2022, HIAS released the report "Waiting for the Sky to Close: The Unprecedented Crisis Facing Women and Girls Fleeing Ukraine" with VOICE, a feminist organization dedicated to eradicating gender-based violence (GBV) and holding the humanitarian aid sector accountable to women and girls. As a follow-up, HIAS and VOICE have now released this Sexual and Reproductive Health and GBV Assessment Report.

Ukraine Assessment Report

October 6, 2023


Welcome Circles in Europe for People Fleeing Ukraine

October 6, 2023


Thumbnail image for the report In response to mass displacement from Ukraine, HIAS Europe launched the Welcome Circles program in May 2022 to enable the community-based reception and integration of people displaced from Ukraine in 12 countries across Europe. This fact sheet evaluates the program’s successes, challenges, and opportunities for growth based on feedback from Welcome Circles beneficiaries, volunteers, and coordinators.

Thumbnail image for the report

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