Topic: U.S. Border Response

HIAS advocates for the humane treatment of those seeking asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border. This work includes routinely organizing delegations of faith leaders to observe current conditions and HIAS’ and partner organizations’ work along the border. HIAS Mexico offers an array of services to asylum seekers in Mexico, including informing them of their rights and responsibilities when seeking asylum in the U.S.

113 results

Sep 23, 2021

Title 42: Over a Million Expulsions and No End in Sight

Sep 23, 2021

Title 42: Over a Million Expulsions and No End in Sight Title 42 has largely closed America’s borders to refugees and asylum seekers. When the pandemic hit, Trump administration invoked the 75-year-old public health law that, they claimed, gave immigration authorities the power to expel migrants without providing them their legally mandated opportunity to seek protection in the U.S.

Sep 20, 2021

Joint Letter to President Biden, Secretary Mayorkas and Attorney General Garland on Title 42

Sep 20, 2021

Joint Letter to President Biden, Secretary Mayorkas and Attorney General Garland on Title 42 Joint Letter to President Biden, Secretary Mayorkas and Attorney General Garland on Title 42 Sep 20, 2021 SILVER SPRING, Md. — HIAS, the international Jewish humanitarian organization, along with 70 other organizations, has signed a letter demanding that the Biden administration "immediately end its embrace, defense, and advancement of illegal and cruel Trump administration policies that […]

Sep 17, 2021

The Tragedy of “Remain in Mexico”

Sep 17, 2021

The Tragedy of “Remain in Mexico” For 70,000 people, the U.S. Supreme Court’s late August “Remain in Mexico” decision is a tragedy beyond their control.

Jun 29, 2021

We Still Need to Help at the U.S-Mexico Border

Jun 29, 2021

We Still Need to Help at the U.S-Mexico Border HIAS President and CEO Mark Hetfield visited the HIAS teams in Monterrey, Ciudad Juárez, Tijuana, and Mexicali who are helping hundreds of asylum seekers.

Jun 2, 2021

HIAS Welcomes The End of ‘Remain In Mexico’ Policy

Jun 2, 2021

HIAS Welcomes The End of ‘Remain In Mexico’ Policy HIAS Welcomes The End of 'Remain In Mexico' Policy Jun 02, 2021 On June 1, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas issued a memorandum officially terminating the Remain in Mexico program. Formally referred to as the Migrant Protection Protocols, or MPP, the Remain in Mexico program forced more than 71,000 asylum seekers to wait in […]

May 27, 2021

Pressure Grows On Biden To Reverse Title 42

May 27, 2021

Pressure Grows On Biden To Reverse Title 42 The use of the harsh Trump era policy is gaining wider attention — and earning more and more criticism.

May 24, 2021

One Man’s Journey Is Every Man’s Story

May 24, 2021

One Man’s Journey Is Every Man’s Story Yeinier's journey from Cuba to the United States took 22 months; with HIAS’ help, his story had a happy ending, but it came at a high price.

May 11, 2021

PODCAST: Asylum Seekers’ Border Nightmare

May 11, 2021

PODCAST: Asylum Seekers’ Border Nightmare In the latest episode of Crossing Borders, we hear from asylum seekers trapped at the U.S.-Mexico border and the HIAS workers trying to get them to safety.

Apr 7, 2021

Good News and Bad News at the U.S.-Mexico Border

Apr 7, 2021

Good News and Bad News at the U.S.-Mexico Border Some asylum seekers trapped in Mexico are finally being allowed into the United States, but other border policies are still causing serious harm to people in need of safety.

Mar 23, 2021

What’s Really Happening at the U.S.-Mexico Border?

Mar 23, 2021

What’s Really Happening at the U.S.-Mexico Border? What is the situation at the border and with asylum seekers? And what changes has the Biden administration made to its policies? Here are some answers.

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