Topic: Syria
69 results
Sep 10, 2015
Jewish Week: Obama Agrees To Settle 10,000 Syrians; HIAS Wants 100,000
President Barack Obama has directed his administration to prepare to resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees next year, up from 1,000 this past year – but that’s far fewer than the 100,000 Jewish refugee aid organization HIAS wants the U.S. government to resettle, The Jewish Week reports.
Sep 9, 2015
KQED Radio: Should the U.S. Be Doing More to Help Solve the Syrian Refugee Crisis?
KQED Radio: Should the U.S. Be Doing More to Help Solve the Syrian Refugee Crisis? Sep 09, 2015 HIAS Vice President of Policy and Advocacy Melanie Nezer appeared on San Francisco NPR affiliate KQED's Forum program to discuss U.S. refugee policy. Note: Nezer first appears at 17:15 in the program. European Refugee CrisisRefugee ResettlementSyria
Sep 9, 2015
The Syrian Refugee Crisis: A Jewish Sense of Responsibility
The Jerusalem Post reached out to Jewish aid organizations across the globe to find out what role they are playing to help refugees from Syria and the region and spoke with HIAS President and CEO Mark J. Hetfield.
Sep 9, 2015
World Politics Review: Why the U.S. Has Accepted So Few Syrian Refugees
"As the plight of Syrian refugees and their harrowing attempts to enter Europe dominate international media, calls have mounted for the United States to play a greater role in managing the crisis," Karina Piser writes in World Politics Review. “This isn’t how the refugee referral process should be happening,” says Melanie Nezer, vice president of policy and advocacy at HIAS.
Sep 5, 2015
Mark Hetfield on NPR: Europe, US Treating Crisis Like “Business as Usual”
HIAS President and CEO Mark J. Hetfield discussed the current European refugee crisis and what the US should be doing to help with NPR's Robert Siegel on All Things Considered, Friday September 4.
Sep 2, 2015
Op-Ed: For Refugees, Crisis Never Far Away
With more than four million Syrians displaced by the conflict, the capacity of neighboring countries is being tested. In July, food assistance for Syrian refugees in Lebanon and Jordan was cut in half due to lack of funds, leaving a refugee family in Lebanon to subsist on the equivalent of $13.50 per person per month. And the situation may soon become even more dire.
Jul 15, 2015
Op-Ed: Greece’s Other Crisis
Despite almost daily headlines detailing the dangers of crossing the Mediterranean by sea, refugees are still braving the waves in record numbers. Greece, a part of the European Union, is supposed to have an asylum system “harmonized” with the rest of Europe. In practice, though, Greece is about as well integrated with the rest of Europe on the asylum front as it is economically.
Jul 14, 2015
VICE: Why Are Republicans So Scared of Syrian Refugees?
VICE's Meredith Hoffman took on domestic islamophobia in a July 13 story entitled Why Are Republicans So Scared of Syrian Refugees? HIAS President and CEO Mark Hetfield is quoted describing how the less-than-welcoming attitude to Syrian refugees is surprising given America's history of welcoming refugees.
Jun 26, 2015
Waiting Two Years for Resettlement Isn’t Really Rescue
Waiting Two Years for Resettlement Isn’t Really Rescue Jun 26, 2015 HIAS Vice President for Policy and Advocacy Melanie Nezer was quoted in a June 25 article in The Forward which reported on Jewish groups efforts to change US Government refugee resettlement policy, particularly to alleviate the current bottleneck in resettlement of Syrian refugees. “Waiting two years for resettlement isn’t […]
Jun 20, 2015
Why World Refugee Day is a Jewish Holiday
It is impossible to avoid the stories of massive human displacement from Burma, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, and Afghanistan, and hordes of boat migrants dying in the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean. There was a time when refugees were a front-page issue for the American Jewish community. That is no longer the case, and we must do better.