Winnie Gacheru, director of psychosocial programs at HIAS Kenya, describes working with some of the world's most vulnerable refugees in this short video.
When I visited Am Nabak refugee camp in eastern Chad this spring, the leader of the youth committee handed me a list of requests for the camp's young people. What could I say to this young man who wanted so much more than refugee camp life could provide for himself and his friends?
Israel Asylum Seekers Wonder: Next Year in Jerusalem? Apr 03, 2015 Passover is all about the persecution of the Jewish people in Egypt, and their flight to freedom across the Sinai. It is sadly ironic that, on the eve of this important holiday of freedom, the Israeli Ministry of the Interior is issuing deportation letters […]
Those of us who live relatively privileged lives often catch ourselves saying something like, “I’m too poor to go out this weekend.” When we say that, we don’t mean what one-sixth of the world’s population means.