Topic: Jordan

3 results

Sep 2, 2015

Op-Ed: For Refugees, Crisis Never Far Away

Op-Ed: For Refugees, Crisis Never Far Away With more than four million Syrians displaced by the conflict, the capacity of neighboring countries is being tested. In July, food assistance for Syrian refugees in Lebanon and Jordan was cut in half due to lack of funds, leaving a refugee family in Lebanon to subsist on the equivalent of $13.50 per person per month. And the situation may soon become even more dire.

Jul 23, 2014

The Biggest Humanitarian Crisis of Our Generation

The Biggest Humanitarian Crisis of Our Generation The faces and stories of the Syrian refugees I worked with in Jordan remain as clear in my mind as if I’d met them yesterday.

Dec 12, 2013

Report from the Field: Syrian Refugees in Jordan

Report from the Field: Syrian Refugees in Jordan With funding from the Jewish Coalition for Syrian Refugees in Jordan, HIAS' expert on immigration and refugee law and policy, Elissa Mittman, traveled to Jordan this October to begin to identify vulnerable Syrian refugees who are in urgent need of resettlement. Her report reveals a very difficult road ahead for refugees staying in the country for the indefinite future, as well as for those who need to find refuge in a third country like the United States.

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