Topic: Jewish Values and History

138 results

Dec 22, 2022

Share the Light: Honoring HIAS Europe’s Work in Ukraine

Share the Light: Honoring HIAS Europe’s Work in Ukraine On December 20th, HIAS Europe was awarded the Share the Light prize by the European Jewish Community Centre (EJCC) during the 18th annual EuroChanukah festivities hosted by the European Commission. The prize was given in recognition of HIAS Europe’s work responding to the humanitarian emergency in Ukraine, especially in the resettlement of displaced people. 

Mar 3, 2022

Ukraine, Afghan Resettlement Top of Mind for Refugee Shabbat

Ukraine, Afghan Resettlement Top of Mind for Refugee Shabbat With hundreds of Jewish communities around the world preparing to participate in Refugee Shabbat on March 4-5, the ongoing crises in Ukraine and Afghanistan loom large.

Dec 21, 2021

WATCH: A Warm Welcome for Refugees in Tulsa

WATCH: A Warm Welcome for Refugees in Tulsa When a Tulsa synagogue approached HIAS to become a resettlement partner, it didn’t make immediate sense. But this inclusive, non-denominational Tulsa community works differently from most synagogue congregations.

Dec 1, 2021

WATCH: Know Your “Neighbour”

WATCH: Know Your “Neighbour” HIAS is highlighting the importance of community-based mental health programs that promote the well-being of individuals, families, and communities affected by crisis and conflict.

Oct 26, 2021

Three Years On, Lessons from Squirrel Hill: Q&A with Mark Oppenheimer

Three Years On, Lessons from Squirrel Hill: Q&A with Mark Oppenheimer Mark Oppenheimer’s new book Squirrel Hill: The Tree of Life Synagogue Shooting and the Soul of a Neighborhood traces the response of the community in the weeks and months after the attack. HIAS spoke with the author about what we can learn from the community, the event, and its aftermath.

Aug 31, 2021

Former Board Chair Dale Schwartz Remembered

Former Board Chair Dale Schwartz Remembered Dale Schwartz, a long-time member of the HIAS board and past HIAS board chair, died August 27.

Jul 30, 2021

The Refugee Convention at 70

The Refugee Convention at 70 This week marks the 70th anniversary of the Refugee Convention of 1951, the international legal document which was intended to ensure solutions for refugees.

Jul 14, 2021

May Our Lamentations Open Our Hearts to Welcome

May Our Lamentations Open Our Hearts to Welcome This Tisha B’Av, as the Jewish community commemorates the destruction of both ancient temples in Jerusalem and the exile of the Jewish people, we mourn the losses refugees and asylum seekers have suffered.

Jun 4, 2021

Wolf Blitzer: Welcome and Help Refugees

Wolf Blitzer: Welcome and Help Refugees The CNN speaks about the need for Americans of all religions to support and welcome refugees to the United States.

Mar 12, 2021

Refugee Shabbat 2021 an Unqualified Success

Refugee Shabbat 2021 an Unqualified Success Refugee Shabbat 2021 was an unqualified success, with more than 300 congregations participating.

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