Topic: Jewish Values and History

148 results

Feb 22, 2017

200+ Kindertransport Survivors and Descendants Urge Support for Refugees

Feb 22, 2017

200+ Kindertransport Survivors and Descendants Urge Support for Refugees Over 200 Kindertransport survivors and descendants sent a letter to President Trump, urging him to keep America’s doors open to today’s refugees. “In the aftermath of World War II, the price for keeping America’s doors closed to refugees due to fear was made starkly clear. We are among the very few who were welcomed by a country and its citizens and therefore survived,” they write.

Feb 21, 2017

Why a Jewish Organization Is Suing to Stop the Muslim Ban

Feb 21, 2017

Why a Jewish Organization Is Suing to Stop the Muslim Ban We cannot remain silent as Muslim refugees are turned away just for being Muslim, just as we could not stand idly by when the U.S. turned away Jewish refugees fleeing Europe during the 1930s and 40s. The Torah requires us to intervene. To stop these things from being done by our government and in our name.

Feb 13, 2017

Across the U.S., a Day of Jewish Action for Refugees

Feb 13, 2017

Across the U.S., a Day of Jewish Action for Refugees Winter weather couldn’t dampen the enthusiasm and commitment of the many thousands of people who showed up for the National Day of Jewish Action for Refugees on Sunday, February 12.

Feb 13, 2017

New Yorkers Brave Sleet and Rain to Rally for Refugees

Feb 13, 2017

New Yorkers Brave Sleet and Rain to Rally for Refugees Equipped with protest signs, umbrellas and a tradition of welcoming the stranger, upwards of 1,000 rally goers stood for nearly two hours in Battery Park at the Southern tip of Manhattan Island.

Feb 6, 2017

Genesis Prize Recipient Anish Kapoor Pledges Support for Refugees

Feb 6, 2017

Genesis Prize Recipient Anish Kapoor Pledges Support for Refugees Kapoor, a renowned British-Indian sculptor of Jewish descent, said he will dedicate his $1 million award to expanding the Jewish community’s engagement on the global refugee crisis.

Feb 3, 2017

Rabbi Jennie Rosenn in Haaretz: Why American Jews Must Oppose Trump’s Ban

Feb 3, 2017

Rabbi Jennie Rosenn in Haaretz: Why American Jews Must Oppose Trump’s Ban HIAS VP of Community Engagement Rabbi Jennie Rosenn published an op-ed in Haaretz on Friday, February 3, calling on the Jewish community to stand up to President Trump’s refugee ban.

Feb 3, 2017

Soviet Jews Push Back on Trump’s Executive Order

Feb 3, 2017

Soviet Jews Push Back on Trump’s Executive Order “Refugee status is not merely a stamp on paper; it's a state of mind and heart which forces one to risk it all for better life. We feel affinity and kinship to those in the same plight.”

Feb 2, 2017

Refugee Ban Rattles Jewish Community Volunteers

Feb 2, 2017

Refugee Ban Rattles Jewish Community Volunteers Refugee Ban Rattles Jewish Community Volunteers By Rachel Nusbaum, Feb 02, 2017 Members of Am Shalom welcoming a Syrian refugee family at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago, Jan. 27, 2017. (Courtesy of Am Shalom) "Shock would not be the right word," Rabbi Jonathan Blake told The Journal News. His congregation, Westchester Reform Temple in Scarsdale, […]

Feb 2, 2017

HIAS Leaders Set the Record Straight in Forward LTE

Feb 2, 2017

HIAS Leaders Set the Record Straight in Forward LTE HIAS Leaders Set the Record Straight in Forward LTE Feb 02, 2017 On January 31, the Forward published a letter to the editor charging that “under Jewish law,” HIAS is in “no position to judge” Trump’s executive order banning refugees because the organization has a “profit motive” and receives “millions of dollars” to admit refugees. […]

Jan 31, 2017

Taking #RefugeesWelcome to the Streets

Jan 31, 2017

Taking #RefugeesWelcome to the Streets The fight to make this country a place that welcomes refugees is becoming contagious.

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