Topic: HIAS New York
HIAS New York provided resettlement services in the New York City area from 2015 until 2022, when Commonpoint Queens took over that aspect of our work as a HIAS resettlement partner. As HIAS’ historic headquarters, New York continues to be a vital part of HIAS’ work. HIAS’ New York office serves asylum seekers and other displaced people through our legal services and volunteer programs.
14 results
Feb 3, 2017
HIAS Helps Reunite Syrian Family Amid Refugee Ban
Jan 31, 2017
Taking #RefugeesWelcome to the Streets
Jan 4, 2017
New York Jewish Communities Get Resourceful for Refugees
Nov 22, 2016
From Brooklyn to the Bronx, a Manhattan Synagogue Spreads Welcome on Thanksgiving