Topic: Briefing Calls

35 results

May 25, 2022

New Welcome Circles Will Support Ukrainians

New Welcome Circles Will Support Ukrainians Experts from HIAS and JFNA explained how individuals and communities can welcome those fleeing the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The May 23 webinar, “Welcome in Action: Jewish Community Support for Ukrainian Newcomers” also previewed the upcoming launch of HIAS Welcome Circles for Ukrainians.

Apr 26, 2022

U.S. “Uniting for Ukraine” Program May Help 100k, but Concerns Remain

U.S. “Uniting for Ukraine” Program May Help 100k, but Concerns Remain HIAS’ April 25 briefing call explains the Biden Administration’s new Uniting for Ukraine plan to bring 100,000 people displaced by the war in Ukraine to the U.S. The plan raises concern for HIAS experts, but provides many opportunities for community involvement.

Mar 10, 2022

BRIEFING CALL: The Humanitarian Response in Ukraine

BRIEFING CALL: The Humanitarian Response in Ukraine On March 9, HIAS hosted a briefing call covering the crisis in Ukraine. Senior HIAS staff, including those just returned from the region, outlined HIAS’ ongoing humanitarian response, how individuals could help, and the U.S. government’s next steps to assist those displaced by the crisis.

Nov 19, 2021

Protecting Genocide Survivors through Refugee Resettlement

Protecting Genocide Survivors through Refugee Resettlement For Rohingya refugees displaced in Bangladeshi camps, conditions grow ever more dire as international aid dwindles, Rohingya social justice activist Yasmin Ullah reported during a webinar co-sponsored by HIAS and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum on November 16.

Nov 4, 2021

Let’s Talk About Climate Change and Refugees

Let’s Talk About Climate Change and Refugees Let's Talk About Climate Change and Refugees By Sharon Samber, Nov 04, 2021 As worry about forced displacement and its connection to climate change escalates, some positive developments continue, such as HIAS Chad's groundbreaking permagardening program that puts food agency back into clients’ hands. (HIAS Chad) Climate change is not theoretical, so HIAS is now […]

Aug 23, 2021

Afghan Refugee Crisis: “We’re In It for the Long Haul”

Afghan Refugee Crisis: “We’re In It for the Long Haul” HIAS staff have traveled to United States military bases, to help process those Afghans who made it out of Kabul. HIAS affiliates across the U.S. are getting ready to receive or are already receiving Afghan refugees and ramping up their services.

Dec 2, 2020

Book & Film Club: Jessica Goudeau, After the Last Border

Book & Film Club: Jessica Goudeau, After the Last Border Dr. Jessica Goudeau, discusses her book "After the Last Border: Two Families and the Story of Refuge in America" with the HIAS Book and Film Club.

Nov 13, 2020

Senator Cardin Hopeful for Change on Immigration, Refugee Resettlement

Senator Cardin Hopeful for Change on Immigration, Refugee Resettlement Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) told an audience of more than 350 on a HIAS-hosted post-election briefing call that he is confident the incoming Biden administration will set a new course, and restore refugee resettlement and repair America’s broken asylum system.

Oct 20, 2020

Action Call: Election 2020

Action Call: Election 2020 The future of refugee resettlement and asylum hinge on the positions of the leaders we elect in November.

Sep 12, 2020

Briefing Call: The Future of Refugee Resettlement

Briefing Call: The Future of Refugee Resettlement Refugee resettlement in the United States looks very different than it once did; hear HIAS’ plans and hopes for the future of resettlement.

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